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Index:An Introduction to the Survey of Western Palestine.djvu

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Title An Introduction to the Survey of Western Palestine
Author Trelawney Saunders
Year 1881
Publisher R. Bentley and Son
Location London
Source djvu
Progress To be proofread
Transclusion Index not transcluded or unreviewed


Limits of the Survey; Area; and Time devoted to it. The results. The Large Map. The Reduced Map. Special Plans of Towns, etc. Memoirs. General Index. Three editions of the Reduced Map. Character of the Survey. Its extension urged. The New Survey and former Maps.
The Survey of Western Palestine. Introduction. The Outline of the Map: Waterways, Basins, Waterpartings, and Watersheds. The Survey included in two Great Watersheds, that of the Mediterranean Sea on the West, and that of the Jordan on the East. The Orography: Lowlands and Highlands.

The Basin of Nahr Kasimiyeh. Outfall, 33° 20' 16" N. Lat 9
The Southern Waterparting. Wady Hajeir. Wady Selukieh. Wady 'Aizakaneh. Rectifications of former Maps. Two classes of Basins. Out of 30 Basins along the Coast, only four drain the Upper Plateau of the Interior.
The Basin of Hubeishyeh. Outfall, 33° 17' 17" N. Lat. 12
The Waterparting. Former Names and Misrepresentations. Two Main Channels: the Hubeishiyeh draining the centre and south, and the Humraniyeh draining the northern part. Wady Ashûr. Wady el Ma. Castle of Tibnin or Toron.
The Basin Of Wady El Ezziyeh, And Minor Basins On The North. Outfall of Wady el Ezziyeh, 33° 11' 40" N. Lat. 14
Position. Previous inaccuracy of the Minor Basins. Wady el 'Akkâb. Wady Nettarah. Contracted Limits of the Lower Part. Expansion of the Upper part. Waterparting. Jebel Adâther. Khurbet Belât. Tell Belt. Rectifications of former Works.
The Basin of Wady Kerkera. Outfall, 33° 4' 48" N. Lat. Overlooked formerly. 16
The Basin of Wady el Kûrn. Outfall, 33° 3' N. Lat. 18
Relation to Wady el Ezzîyeh. Waterparting. Contact with Jordan Basin. The lower Gorge. Kulat el Kurein or Castle of Montfort. Two main branches. Jebelet el Arûs. Jebel Jurmuk. El Bukeiah. Gorge of Suhmata.
The Basin of Nahb N'Amein and Minor Basins on the North 20
Outfall, 32° 54' 30" N. Lat. Minor Basins between N'amein and Kûrn. Semeirlyeh, Majnuneh. Castle Jiddin. Nahr Mefshukh. Villages. Fountain el Kabry. Wady es Salik. Nahr N'amein Basin. Waterparting. Southern Range of Upper Galilee. Extent of Basin. Wady el Halzun and Wady Shaib. Wady esh Shâghûr. Wady el Waziyeh. Base of Southern Range of Upper Galilee, and the highway between Acre and the East. Wady 'Abellîn. Three natural divisions of Lower Galilee. Rectifications.
The Basin of Nahr el Mukutt'a (Kishon). Outfall, 32° 49' N. Lat 23
The Waterparting. Outfall. Wady el Melek, and the Northern Divisions of the Basin. Four Main Channels of the Southern Division. Affluents of the Central Division.
Mount Carmel 26
Its eastern and western slopes, paths, wadys, main ridge, and parallel ranges.
The Basins of Nahr Ed Dufleh(1),and Nahb Ez Zeeka (2) Outfalls (1) 32° 35' 42" —(2) 32° 32' 20" N. Lat. 30
(1.) Three permanent Streams. El Khashm. Plain of Tanturah. Depression of Belad er Ruhah, dividing Mount Carmel from Jebel Sk. Iskander, etc. (2.) Two divisions of the Nahr ez Zerka Basin. Notable rectifications.
The Basin of Nahe el Mefjie. Outfall, 32 28' N. Lat. 32
Formerly Nahr Akhdar, and misunderstood. Merj el Ghuruk. Wady es Selhab, Plains of Dothan and 'Arrabeh, Wady el Ghamik and Wady Abu Nar. The Nuzlet Villages. Wady el Maleh, Wady el Khudeirah, and Nahr el Mef jir. Wady er Roz, and Wady Abu Kaslan, Sheikh Beiazid Mountains. Wady Arah. Wady el Asl, and Wady Bir Isir. Wady Samantar, Wady el Yahmur, and Wady Rasein. The Upland of Umrn el Khataf . Rectifications.
The Basins of Nahe Iskanderuneh, and Nahe el Falik Out- Falls, 32° 23' 50” and 32 16' 30” N. Lat. 35
Outfall of Nahr Iskanderuneh and Waterparting Rectification Nahr el Falik. Wady esh Shair. Nablus. Mount Ebal or Eslamiyeh. Wady Zeimer. Jebel et Tur or Mount Gerizim. Wady et Tin. Wady el Haj Musa. Wady Kulunsaweh. Wady en Naml. Highways.
The Basin Of Nahr El 'Auja. Outfall, 32° 6' 10" N. Lat. 37
Outfall. Permanent streams. Waterparting. Merj Sia. Northern and Southern Divisions, and their partition. Northern Division Wady Kalkilieh. Wady Azzun. Rectification. Wady Kanah, the biblical Brook Kanah. Wady Rabah. Rectification. Wady Ballût, Wady Bushanit and Wady Ishar, Wady er Rumt, Wady el Kub, Wady Seilun, Wady en Nimr, Wady el Jib, Wady er Reiya. Wady Suhary. Southern Division Wady Nusrah. Khallet es Salib. Wady Shâhin. Wady esh Shellal or Budrus, and Wady Ludd, their partition. Tributaries of Wady esh Shellal: Wady en Natuf, Wady Malâkeh, Wady Hamis, Wady Kelb, Wady Delbeh, and Wady Shamy. Wady Ain 'Arik, Wady el Imeish, Wady es Sunt, Bethhoron. Wady Muslih. Tributaries of Wady Ludd: Wady Harir. Wady 'Atallah. Wady Aly. Wady Jaar. Wady Suweikeh. Wady Selman. Wady el Mikteleh. Wady el Burj. Wady Mozarki. Wady el Hai. Wady Khushkush. Wady Aly. Wady Alakah. Rectifications.
The Basin Of Nahr Rubin. Outfall, 31° 56" 10" N. Lat 45
Outfall. Waterparting. Curvature of the Basin. Headwaters on the Plateau of el Jib, or Gibeon. Wady ed Deir. Wady 'Amir. Wady Jillan, ed Dumm, and Beit Hannina. Wady el Abeideh. Wady Buwai. Rectifications around Jerusalem. Wady es Surar. Wady esh Shemarin. Wady es Sikkeh, Wady el Werd, and Wady Bittir. Wady Ismain. Wady en Nagil. Wady el Ghurab. Mount Seir, and Mount Ephron. Separation between the Mountains of Judah and the lowland Hills of of the Shephelah. Samson's Country. Plain of Akir (Ekron). Valley of Sorek. Wady Deiran. Wady Ayun Do. Wady en Nahir. Wady el Menakh. Mount Baalah.
The Basin Of Nahb Sukereir. Outfall, 31° 49' 10" N. Lat. 51
Waterparting. Three main branches. 1. Wady es Sunt. Wady el Jindy. Wady es Sur. Division of the Mountains and Lowland. Cave of Adullam. Gorge of es Sunt. Tell es Safi. 2. Wady el Afranj. Wady Kaideh. Rectification. 3. Wady ed Dawaimeh. Wady el Ghhueit. Outfall. Rectifications.
The Basin Of Wady El Hesy. Outfall, 31° 36' 20" N. Lat 54
Outfall. Waterparting. Basin of Wady Bireh. Main Sources and Channel of Wady el Hesy. Wady edh Dhikah, and en Nas. Gheith, the site of Gath. Huj.
The Basin Of Wady Ghuzzeh (Gaza). Outfall, 31° 27' 54" N. Lat. 56
Waterparting. Wady el Zhulil. Wady el 'Aawir. Yutta. Wady Kilkis. Wady ed Dilbeh. Wady Deir el Loz. Wady Itrny. Wady es Seba. Ziph and Carmel. Wady el Khan. Wady el Habur. Wady el Ghurra. Wady Saweh. Wady es Seba. Wady el Khureitein. Wady es Seba. Wady esh Sheriah. Shaaraim. Hazor Susah. Darum and Bizjoth-Jah-Baalah.

The Basin Of Wady Far' Ah. Outfall, 32° 2' 20" N. Lat. 76
Waterparting. Dimensions. Head of the Basin in two parts. 1. Southern part Plains of Rûjib, Askar, and Salim, Chasm of Wady Beidan. 2. Northern part Two centres at 'Ain and Tell Fâr'ah, and Wady Beidan. Wady Fâr'ah. Sea Level. Fall. Three divisions. El Fersh. Buseiliyeh. Gorge. The Kurawa. Masudy Arabs. Archelaus. Affluents. Shab esh Shinar. Nukb el Arais. Wady el Jozeleh. Route of Abram, Jacob, and Benhadad the Syrian.
The Basin Of Wady El Humr. Outfall, 32° 1' 30" N. Lat. 81
Waterparting or Boundary. Wady el Humr. Wady el Kerad. Wady Zamur and ed Dowa. Gorge. Wady el Ifjim. Precipitous Chasm. Wady Zakaska. Kurn Surtubeh. Wady Fusail. Phasaëlis.
The Basin Of Wady El 'Atjjah. Outfall, 31° 55' 10" N. Lat. 84
Waterparting. Three divisions. (1.) Wady el Mellahah. Wady Unkur edh Dbib. Wady Bakr. Wady Mekûr edh Dhib. Change in the base of the Mountains. Expansion of Low Hills. Intermediate Plain, probably the Plain of Keziz. (2.) Wady el 'Aiijah. 'Ain Samieh. 'Ain el 'Aûjah. Wady Abu el Haiyat. Wady Sebata. Wady el Abeid. Wady en Nejmeh. Wady Dar el Jerir. Wady Lueit. (3.) Wady Abu Obeideh. Wady Umm Sirah. Rectifications.
The Minor Basin Of Wady Mesa'Adet 'Aisa. Outfall 31° 53' 10" N. Lat. 87
A Traditional Mountain of the Temptation.
The Basin Of Wady Nuei'Ameh. Outfall, 31° 52' 28" N. Lat. 88
Sources. Waterparting or Boundary. Curvature of the Basin, and its effect on Lateral Communication. Watercourses. Wady el 'Ain. Khallet es Sultan. Wady el Kanabis. Wady Muheisin. Wady Asis. Rummon("the Rock Rimmon"). Wady Abu el Haiyat, and Wady el Asa. Wady es Sineisileh. Wady Rummamaneh. Wady el Harik. Wady el Makûk. Wady Abu Jurnan. 'Ain en Nûei'ameh. 'Ain ed Dûk. Osh el Ghurab. El Grhoraniyeh Ford.
The Basin Of Wady El Kelt. Outfall, 31° 49' 30" N. Lat. 90
Waterparting. Extent. Watercourses in two parts. (1) Wady Suweinit. Ai. Wady el Medineh. Wady en Netîf. Jeba (G-eba). Mukhmas (Michmash). Site of Philistine camp. The Rocks Bozez and Sen eh. (2) Wady Farah. Wady Redeideh. Wady esSenam. Wady Zimrij. Wady en Nimr. Wady en Nukheileh. 'Ain el Kelt. Wady el Kelt. Wady Abu Duba. Khan Hathrurah and Talat et Dumm on the Jericho Road. Defile. Jericho. Khaur Abu Dhahy. 'Ain Hajlah. Wady Rijan. Roads and tracks. Valley of Zeboim or the Hyenas' Ravine identified with Wady Sikya. Note on Ai.
The Basin Of El Kueiserah And Minor Basins On The North. Outfall of el Kueiserah, 31° 45' 40" N. Lat. 97
Formerly Wady Dabor. Slight contact with Mediterranean Slope.
Waterparting or boundary. Minor Basins falling into the Dead Sea. Wady Talat et Dumm. Wady Mukarfet Kattum. Wady Joreif Ghuzûl. Watercourses of el Kueiserah Basin. Wady Seleim. Gorges of Deir esidd. Wady Ruabeh from Mount of Olives. Wady es Sidr. Pass of Thogret ed Debr. Wady el Lehhâm from Mount of Olives. Wady el Haud. Wady el Jemel. Jebel Ekteif. Wady el Mudowerah, and Wady ed Dedakin. Roads. Gorge of el Mukelik. David's Flight from Absolom.
The Basin of Wady En Nab (Brook Kidron) and the Minor Basins on the North. Outfall of Wady en Nar, 31° 40' 20" N. Lat. 103
Wady Jofet Zeben. Wady Kumran. Plateau of el Bukei'a. War ez Zeranik. 'Am Feshkah. Wady es Sammârah. Waterparting of Wady en Nar Basin. Valley of Jehoshaphat and the Valley of Hinnom. Bir Eyûb. Wady Abu Aly. Mar Saba. Roads from Jerusalem to Mar Saba. Wady Akhsheikh. Wady Jerfân. Wady 'Alya. Wady el Areis. Wady Umm eth Theleithât. Rectifications.
The Basin Of Wady Ed Derajeh Outfall, 31° 34' 35" N. Lat. 108
Wady el Ghuweir. Waterparting. Divisions. (1) Wady el Kaah. Wady Sainurah. Wady Lozeh. Wady Umm el Kulah. Wady et Tin. Wady el War. Wady D'abûd and Wady el T'amireh. Wady el Meshash. Wady el Bussah. (2) Wady el Bîar. Valley of Berachah. Aqueduct. Wady Fureidis. Cliffs and Caves of Khureitun, the traditional Adullam. Wady Jubb Iblan. Chasm of Wady Muallak. (3) Wady Mukta el Juss.
The Basin Of Wady El 'Areijeh And The Minor Basins On The North. Outfall of Wady el 'Areijeh, 31° 27' 30" N. Lat. 110
Outfall. Minor Basins: Wady Hûsâsah, Wady esh Shukf, Wady Sideir, Wady Marjari. Eoads from 'Ain Jidy. Waterparting or boundary of el 'Areijeh Basin. Watercourses of el 'Areijeh. Plateau of el 'Arrûb. Wady el 'Arrûb, and its affluents. Gorge of Wady el Jihar and Wady el Gbar. Plateau of Jihar and Ghar. Wady Umm el 'Ausej. Wady es Suweidiyeh and Wady es Sûkiyeh. Route.
The Basin of Wady El Khtjbera. Outfall, 31° 24' N. Lat. 116
Waterparting or boundary. Three divisions. (1) Wady Jerfân. Wady el Kuryeh. Wady Nimr. Wady es Sihaniveh. Wady Umm Kheiyirah. (2) Wady Malâki. Wady Kueiwis. Wady el War. Malâki and Khubera Gorges. (3) Wady Eujm el Khulil. A scene of David's exploits.
The Basin of Wady Seiyal and Minor Basins on the North. Outfall of Wady Seiyal, 31° 19' 47" N. Lat 118
Wady Mahras. Wady el Kasheibeh. W. Sufeisif. Waterparting of Wady Seiyal Basin. Wady Khurbet et Teibeh. Wady el Kureitein. Wady es Sennein. Wady Mutan Munjid. Wady Umm Jem at. Wady el Khuseibiyeh.

The Plains of Galilee 121
The Maritime Plain of Tyre. Ras el Abyad to Kas en Nakura. The Maritime Plain of Acre and the Plain of Megiddo. Intermediate Range of Hills. The Plain of Rameh. The Plain of 'Arrâbeh. The Plain of Buttauf. The Plain of Toran. General view of the Plains of Acre and Megiddo. Six great arms. (1) The Plain of Acre. (2) W. Halzun, and the plains of Rameh and 'Arrâbeh. (3) The plains of Buttauf, Toran, and Seffurieh. (4) Between Mt. Tabor and Jebel Duhy. (5) Nahr Jalûd, or the Valley of Jezreel. (6) Between Mt. Gilboa and Mt. Ephraim. The Central Plain. Roads.
The Maritime Plains, South of Carmel 131
(1) The Plain of Tantura. (2) The Plain of Sharon. Forest of Oaks. Falik Hills. Dhahr Selmeh Hills. Ramleh Hills. Three divisions of the plain of Sharon. (3) The Plains of 'Arrâbeh or Dothan. (4) The Plains of Mukhnah, Rujib, 'Askar, and Salim. (5) The Plain of Philistia. Line of highland prolonged. Plains at Akir and 'Arâk. Intermediate hills and hollow. Plain of Akir or Ekron, and plains west of Jerusalem. Plain of Yebnah (Jabneel). Sandy downs. Plain of 'Arâk el Menshiyeh, and Heights of Hebron. Ashdod. Advance of Hills towards the coast. The Sukereir Range. The Keratiya or Bureir Valley. Askelon. Site of the Port of Askelon. The guardianship of the Five Cities, and the site of Gath.
2. The Plains, Lowlands, and Lakes of the Jordan Slope.
The Plain of Merj 'Ayun 143
Ijon. Ain Derderah. Nahr Bareighit. Deadly Form. Altitude. Relation to the Kasmîyeh or Litany River and the River Jordan.
The Huleh Plain, Marsh, and Lake 144
Total dimensions. Four divisions. (1) Huleh Plain. Surrounding heights. (2) Huleh Marsh. Dr. Tristram's notes. Mr. J. Macgregor's boat survey. Channels. Dangers. (3) Huleh Lake. Form and extent. Altitude. Soundings. (4) Ard el Kheit.
The Galilean Gorge 147
Fall of the Jordan. Bridge of Jacob's Daughters. Western affluents. Eastern end of the Southern Range of Lower Galilee. Its relation to the depression of the Jordan.
The Western Shore of the Sea of Galilee 148
Entrance of the Jordan. Plain of Batihah. Bethsaida Julias. Tell Hum. Kh. Kerayeh. Et Tabghah, Bethsaida of Galilee. Plain of Gennesaret. Interesting Wadys. 'Ain 'el Mudauwerah, Capernaum placed at Khan Minia. Magdala at el Mejdel. Chinnereth at Abu Shusheh. Wady Abu el 'Amis and the Ayun el Fuliyeh. Merj Hattin. Wady el Hamâm. Irbid, Arbela, or Beth Arbel. Kulat Ibu Mân, fortified Caverns. Hajaret en Nusara. Horns of Hattin. Tiberias. Emmaus, Lofty Cliffs. Kerak. Exit of the Jordan.
The Ghor from Kerak to Jisr Mujamia 152
Jisr Mujamia to Nahr Jalud 153
Wady Bireh. Wady el Esh-sheh. The Zor.
The Plain of Beisan 155
Nahr Jalud and the Valley of Jezreel. Mt. Gilboa. Remarkable bank. Altitudes. Irrigation Channels. Wady Shubash. Wady el Khashneh. Mounds. Succoth. Lieutenant Conder's Megiddo.
The Samaritan Gorge of the Jordan 159
Relation to Wady Maleh. Contraction of the Ghor and Zor. Ten fords. Comparative lists of names.
The Plain of Phasaelis 162
Northern limit. Three parallel valleys connected with the plain. (1) Wady Sidreh. Wady el Bukeia and its peculiarities. El Makhruk. Archelaus. (2) The Kurawa and Wady Far'ah. Kurn Surtabeh. Recess. End of long line of cliffs. (3) Wady Ifjim and its peculiarities. Khurbet Fusail, the [site of Phasaelis. Wady el Humr. Wady el 'Aujah. Expansion of low hills across the plain. Recess of the Mountains and enclosed plain. 'Ain Duk. 'Ain en Nuei'ameh. Vale or Plain of Keziz. Special features. Wady el Jozeleh. Wady el Mellahah. Mankattat or "Strips." Wady Mesa'addet 'Aisa or the "Ascension of Jesus." 'Osh el Ghurab or the Raven's nest. Traditional sites of the Mountain of Temptation. Zemaraim.
The Plain of Jericho 166
Limits. Kusr el Yehud or Jew's Castle. The Zor. Mouth of the Jordan. Dead Sea coast. Mountain and Cliffs. Jebel Kuruntul. Erlha. Sites of ancient Jericho. 'Ain es Sultan. Wady Kelt. Interruption of the line of Cliffs. Slope of plain. Fertility. Wadys. Wady Nuei'ameh. Wady Kelt. Jiljulieh, the site of Gilgal. Ain Hajlah, site of Beth Hoglah. Kusr Hajlah. Kusr el Yehud or Jew's Castle, a ruined convent. The Pilgrims' Bathing places. Reputed sites of Our Lord's Baptism. Greeks and Latins. Khaur el Thumrar. Wady Makarfet Kattum. Wady Joreif Ghuzal. Wady el Kaneiterah. Wady Kumran. Gomorrah.
Ras Feshkah to Ras Meesid 170
Dr Tristram's Map and the New Survey. Kas Feshkah. The Shore. Sulphur Spring. The intersecting Wadys. Plain of Engedi. Wady Sideir. Wady el Areijeh. Pass, plateaus, spring, and vast cliffs of 'Ain Jidy (Engedi, Cliff of Zor).
Ras Meesid to Sebbeh 172
The Shore. Terraces. The Rock of Sebbeh. Ruins of Maasad. Wady Kuberah. Wady Seiyal.

Introductory 175
Relations of Streams and Plains to the Highlands. The Culminating Summits. Ranges. Edges of Plateaus. Altitudes.
The Mountains of Upper Galilee.
The Southern Range 177
Summits. Base. Choice between Wady el Waziyeh with Wady esh Shaghur, and Wady el Halzun with Wady Shaib. Wady el Tawahin or the Safed Gorge.
The Eastern Range 178
Summits. Altitudes wanting. Slope. Altitudes along the base line. Peculiar Descent of the Jordan into the Huleh Plain. The line of lowest depression between Mount Hermon and the Mediterranean Waterparting. The slopes around the Huleh Plain. Dr. Robinson's six terraces. The western slope of Nahr Bareighit. The hypsometrical connection between Jebel Hunin, Abl, and Banias. The summit north of Jebel Hunin and south of it around the Basins of Meis and Tufeh to Neby Muheibib and Deir el Ghabieh. Parallel Range on the west of Wady 'Aizakaneh, continuous with the range running south from Neby Muheibib. Plateau of Kades. Terraces of Malkiyeh and Belideh. Wady 'Arûs. Ard el Dawamin. Ard el Kheit. Wady Selukieh, Wady Hindaj, and Wady 'Amud. Jebel Kan'an.
The Western Slope and its Upper Plateaus 189
The lower slope interrupts passage parallel to the coast-road by its valleys and ridges. Parallel passage restored by the upper plateaus of the Hubeishiyeh, Ezziyeh, and Kurn.
The Western Range 190
Kisra. Line of heights. Corresponds with Waterparting of W. el Kurn. Gorge of the Kurn. Kulat el Kurein, the Crusaders' Montfort. Khurbet Belat. Line of Heights. Gorge of the Ezziyeh. Crusaders' Castle of Tibnin and its curious situation. Three divisions of the western slope. The Central Division. The Northern Division, upper and lower parts. Southern Division.
The Northern Range 196
The Interior of the Plateau of Upper Galilee 197
The Jermuk Range. The Marûn Range. The Main valleys of the Upper Kûrn. El Bukeiah. The Plains between the Jermuk and Marun Ranges, and between the Marûn and the Eastern and Northern Ranges. Common base of the Jurmuk and Marûn Ranges.
The Mountains of Lower Galilee.
Introductory 199
The Limits. Different aspects and altitudes of Upper and Lower Galilee.
The Northern or Shaghûr Range 199
Its base lines. It culminates in a plateau between two ranges. Altitudes wanting.
The Toran Range 201
Its base lines. Curvature. Scarps and cliffs. Plain of Hattin. Plain of Ahma. Culminating points. Hajaret en Nusara or Nazarite Rocks, a traditional site of "the Feeding of the Five thousand."
The Nazareth Range 202
Its base lines. The Summits. The Western Division. Oak Forest. The Central Division. Semûnieh. Yafa and Mujeidil. El Warakany. Jebel Kafsy, the traditional Mount of Precipitation. Mount Tabor. Wady el Mady. Woods and chalk downs in contrast. Jebel es Sib. El Meshhed. Seffûrieh. Wady Kefr Kenna. The Eastern Division. Wady Shubbabeh and Wady Fejjas. Basaltic Cliffs. Depression of Base line below sea level. Wady Mu'allakah. The Plateau of Sh'arâh, its streams and villages. Successive descents from Mount Tabor to the Sea of Galilee.
The Jebel Duhy Range 210
The group, its limits and dimensions. Three divisions. (1) Jebel Duhy. Nein. Endor. Tell el 'Ajjûl. Eastern base. Kh. Maluf. El 'Afuleh and Aphek. Solam and Shunem. Saul's last battle. Tub'aûn and Tubania. Camps of the Crusaders and Saladin. Kleber's decisive victory. Eastern Plateau diagonally divided by Wady Dabu and Yebla. (2) Northern range with the Kaukab el Hawaor Castle Belvoir. Bold features. (3) Wady Kharrâr. Four successive terraces from the northern range to Nalir Jalûd.
General View of Lower Galilee 214
Its basins, lowlands, ranges, uplands, plains, and scenery.
The Highlands of Samaria and Judea.
Introductory 215
The Geographical analysis of these mountains impracticable before the present Survey. Dr. Robinson's aims and labours. The new Survey now supplies the materials. Five divisions adopted.
The Northern Samaritan Hills 216
The North Eastern base. The Western face. The Eastern face. The northern and southern division distinctly marked. The eastern end of the dividing line indicated. The features on either side contrasted. The Wady el Ifjim. The eastern side of the northern part described. The prolongation of the dividing line described westward to the sea, from Wady el Ifjim, through the Plain of Salim, the Nablus gap, Wady esh Shair or Zeimer, and Nahr Iskanderuneh. The northern escarpment of the northern part, and its summit. Mount Gilboa or Jebel Fukû'a. Double Summits in the south. Three spurs at northern end. Broad western branch and lesser spur. Abrupt eastern slope. Elevated lateral valleys. Valley of Jelbon. The contortions of the waterparting. Valleys of el Mughair and Raba. Southern boundary indicated by the drainage. Summary view of the western division of the Northern Samaritan Hills in six sections. Connected plains. Routes.
The Southern Samaritan Hills 224
The Southern limit. The Eastern Side contrasting the Southern with the Northern Hills. Eastward projection of the waterparting. Merj Sia. Eastern side also contrasted with the next section on the south. Elevated lateral valleys. Jehir 'Akrabeh with upper and lower terraces. Wady Nasir. Wady ed Duba and Wady el Merajem. The Western Side. Undulating plateau. Western and Eastern altitudes. Plain of Mukhnah. Wady Ishar. Interior ranges. Wady Kanah. Falik Hills.
The Mountains of Judea. (1) Northern Group 229
Northern limits. Mount Ephraim. Summit of Northern Slope, culminating points. Shebtin heights and valleys. Lateral communications. Southern limits. Five Parallel ranges. Isolated hills in the Plain of Sharon.
The Mountains of Judea. (2) The Jerusalem Group 231
Separation of the Mountains and Lowland Hills, on the south of Wady Malakeh. Wady el Muslib. Wady el Mikteleh. "Valley of Ajalon. Interruption and recurrence of Meridional valleys at Yalo. Wa v dy en Najil. Wady es Sur. Hills and Mountains distinguished by altitudes. Plains of el Jib and Rephaim, or the Western Plateau of Jerusalem. Southern limits of the group. The low hills of this group distinct from the Shephelah. (1) Western Slope from Jerusalem Plateau. (2) Southern or Middle Slope. (3) Eastern or Jordan Slope. The Plain of Bukeia. Line of Eastern Summits. Eastern Plateau of Jerusalem. Middle Range.
The Mountains of Judea. (3.) The Hebron Group 241
Limits. Main Range. Western Slope. Eastern Slope. The Middle Range continued. Eastern Range continued. Triple terraces. Highest Plateau. Wady el Khulil or valley of Hebron.
The Shephelah or Philistia 249
In five groups : —1. From Wady es Surar to Beit Dejan. 2. Between Wady es Surar and Wady es Sunt. 3. Between Wady es Sunt and Wady el Afranj, 4. Between Wady el Afranj and Wady el Hesy. 5. South of Wady el Hesy.