en Nar. The name of Deir Mirbeh, placed on 'former maps, between Deir Ibn 'Obeid and Mar Saba, can now only be referred to Burj el Hammar, before mentioned. Perhaps the former name may be traced in the Bir Mukheibeh, a well at the foot of the Burj.
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The northern boundary of the basin has been described as far as Kurn el Hajr, where the interposition of the secondary basins of el Ghuweir and a series of gullies from the cliffs, causes the diversion of the present boundary southward, eastward and again southward to reach the Dead Sea.
The western boundary, starting from its northernmost point in the great plain (of Eephaim) on the south-east of Jerusalem, continues along the main south road past Bethlehem, Urtas, and el Burak, to the Eoman road which runs south from el Khudr, or the Convent of St. George. Up to this point the Wady ed Derajeh adjoins the Mediterranean basin of Nahr Eubin ; but here it comes in contact with the basin of Nahr Sukereir, which runs by Ashdod to the sea. It now follows the road from el Khudr down to Kh. Beit Sawir, when it bends to the south-east to its termination at the head of the Wady el Biar.
The southern boundary proceeds from the head of Wady el Biar to the north by the Khurbet Breikut ; then east to the Plain of Tekua ; where it turns again south-east to Kh. Tekua (alt. 2,788 feet), and continues in the same direction for three miles ; then it turns east to Bir 'Alia, then south- east to Kanan Eujm Kuddah, where it takes an easterly course along the edge of one of the rocky gorges of Wady Derajeh, until it is diverted southward along the eastern edge of Wady el Kurrat. From the conical hill at the southern end of that wady, it turns eastward to Eas Nukb Hamar (alt. 678 feet or 1,970 feet above the Dead Sea), where it descends the lofty cliffs and crosses the plain to the Dead Sea, near
the outfall of Wady ed Derajeh.