The Western Shore of the Sea of Galilee | 148 | |
Entrance of the Jordan. Plain of Batihah. Bethsaida Julias. Tell Hum. Kh. Kerayeh. Et Tabghah, Bethsaida of Galilee. Plain of Gennesaret. Interesting Wadys. 'Ain 'el Mudauwerah, Capernaum placed at Khan Minia. Magdala at el Mejdel. Chinnereth at Abu Shusheh. Wady Abu el 'Amis and the Ayun el Fuliyeh. Merj Hattin. Wady el Hamâm. Irbid, Arbela, or Beth Arbel. Kulat Ibu Mân, fortified Caverns. Hajaret en Nusara. Horns of Hattin. Tiberias. Emmaus, Lofty Cliffs. Kerak. Exit of the Jordan. | ||
The Ghor from Kerak to Jisr Mujamia | 152 | |
Jisr Mujamia to Nahr Jalud | 153 | |
Wady Bireh. Wady el Esh-sheh. The Zor. | ||
The Plain of Beisan | 155 | |
Nahr Jalud and the Valley of Jezreel. Mt. Gilboa. Remarkable bank. Altitudes. Irrigation Channels. Wady Shubash. Wady el Khashneh. Mounds. Succoth. Lieutenant Conder's Megiddo. | ||
The Samaritan Gorge of the Jordan | 159 | |
Relation to Wady Maleh. Contraction of the Ghor and Zor. Ten fords. Comparative lists of names. | ||
The Plain of Phasaelis | 162 | |
Northern limit. Three parallel valleys connected with the plain. (1) Wady Sidreh. Wady el Bukeia and its peculiarities. El Makhruk. Archelaus. (2) The Kurawa and Wady Far'ah. Kurn Surtabeh. Recess. End of long line of cliffs. (3) Wady Ifjim and its peculiarities. Khurbet Fusail, the [site of Phasaelis. Wady el Humr. Wady el 'Aujah. Expansion of low hills across the plain. Recess of the Mountains and enclosed plain. 'Ain Duk. 'Ain en Nuei'ameh. Vale or Plain of Keziz. Special features. Wady el Jozeleh. Wady el Mellahah. Mankattat or "Strips." Wady Mesa'addet 'Aisa or the "Ascension of Jesus." 'Osh el Ghurab or the Raven's nest. Traditional sites of the Mountain of Temptation. Zemaraim. | ||
The Plain of Jericho | 166 | |
Limits. Kusr el Yehud or Jew's Castle. The Zor. Mouth of the Jordan. Dead Sea coast. Mountain and Cliffs. Jebel Kuruntul. Erlha. Sites of ancient Jericho. 'Ain es Sultan. Wady Kelt. Interruption of the line of Cliffs. Slope of plain. Fertility. Wadys. Wady Nuei'ameh. Wady Kelt. Jiljulieh, the site of Gilgal. Ain Hajlah, site of Beth Hoglah. Kusr Hajlah. Kusr el Yehud or Jew's Castle, a ruined convent. The Pilgrims' Bathing places. Reputed sites of Our Lord's Baptism. Greeks and Latins. Khaur el Thumrar. Wady Makarfet Kattum. Wady Joreif Ghuzal. Wady el Kaneiterah. Wady Kumran. Gomorrah. |