At Neby Sain, immediately on the north of Nazareth, the alt. is 1,602 feet. About a mile east of Nazareth, the water- parting between Mukutt'a and Melek joins the main water- parting between the Mediterranean and the Jordan, and it would be desirable to ascertain the altitude there.
The main range now follows the Mediterranean water- parting to Jebel es Sih (alt. 1,838 feet), and pursues it on a north-easterly course to esh Shejerah (alt. 795 feet), and Lubieh (alt. 920 feet). About half-a-mile north of esh Shejerah, the waterparting deflects to the south-east, and divides the basins of Wady Fejjas and Wady el Bireh. Judging from the observations on either side, as others are wanting, the altitude of the waterparting does not diminish between esh Shejerah and Sarona (alt. 892 feet). The range, however, proceeds from esh Shejerah to Lubieh, whence it follows a spur south-eastward to the cliffs on the north of Wady Mu'allakah. The wady intersects the range, which is taken up again at Kefr Sabt (alt. 650 feet), and runs on to Sarona. Two miles or more south-east of Sarona, the range passes el Hade- theh (alt. 735 feet), at the southern end of bold cliffs ; and pro- ceeds along the summit of the Kulah Cliffs (alt. 1,179 feet), which overhang the Fejjas gorge. The range now passes south and south-east to the junction of Wady el Bireh with the Ghor of Jordan.
The Divisions of the Nazareth Range, 1. The Western Division,
Having traced the main range throughout, it may be examined more in detail under three divisions. The Western Division embraces the picturesque and quadrangular block of upland covered with oak forest, that lies between the Mu- kutt'a and the Melek. The boundary between this division and the next on the east, is to be found in the lowest de- pression or saddle that connects the Melek where it bends to the west, with the recess which the Plain of Esdraelon here
makes northward towards the Melek and the Plain of