extremity is the ruin of Kefireh, the Chephirah of Joshua ix, 17.
South of Biddu, the waterparting of the 'Auja and Eubin Basins ceases to be connected with the Plain of el Jib, although it continues to throw spurs from its northern side, westward towards the Plain of Yalo, and to 'Arnwas. The main range trends to the south-west and west, and has on its summit the villages of Kuriet el Enab, Saris, and Beit Mahsir. It is probably the Mount Ephron of Joshua xv, 9 ; Kuriet el Enab being Baalah or Kirjath Jearim. A road from Kamleh by el Kubab, and between Latron and 'Amwas, passes up to the summit of Saris, and follows the ridge to Kuriet el Enab, where it turns eastward, passing Kustul, Kulonieh, and Lifta, to Jerusalem.
(2.) The orography of the middle part of the group will now be described. It is all within the upper portion of the Nahr Kubin Basin, and its watercourses are noticed under that heading.* The northern extremity of this tract, and indeed the whole of its eastern side, is included in the western plateau of Jerusalem, with the Plain of el Jib on the north, and the Plain of Eephaim or the Giants on the south. It will be remembered that the Wadys Ahmed, Sikkeh, and Surar or Ismain, form in succession the southern limit of the tract. The spurs or ranges thrown off from the 'Auja-Eubin waterparting towards the Surar, will be noticed first. Those from the Jerusalem Plateau, to the left bank of the Surar, will follow. It will be convenient here to apply the name of Wady el Surar to the central main wady from Lifta downwards.
The connection of the conical mountain of Neby Samwil with the main range has been already noticed. The proper base of this mass is well defined by the Wadys Amir, Beit Hannina and Buwai. On the right bank of the Buwai, a distinct range proceeds from the waterparting on the west of Biddu, and descends to the Surar at Kulonieh. The same range is prolonged westward to the junction of Wady Ghurab and el Mutluk, with Wady es Surar, and separates the
- See ante, pages 42 to 45.