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Page:An Introduction to the Survey of Western Palestine.djvu/36

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the mediterranean watershed.

The Basin of Nahr N'amein and the Minor Basins Between it and Wady el Kûrn.

This basin has its outfall into the sea at the northern end of the Bay of Acre and near the fortress. On the north it is coterminous with the minor basin of Nahr Semeiriyeh, which reaches the sea about four miles north of Acre, and forms one of the series of minor basins between the Nahr N'amein and Wady el Kûrn.

The Minor Basins.

The Semeirîyeh rises on the west of Deir el Asad in two branches, which are named Wady el Humeira and Wady el Jezzâzeh, and have the village of Julis between them, a third and shorter branch rises near the village of Yerka, and passing between Kefr Yasif and Abu Senan, takes the name of Wady Abu edh Dhaheb. The waterparting between this minor basin and that of Wady el Majnuneh on the north, is marked by the villages of Kuweikat, Amka, and Deir el Asad.

The Majnuneh basin extends four miles further into the interior than the preceding, and is bounded on the east by the upper basin of el Kûrn. Its principal branch rises near Kisra (alt. 2,520 feet) and skirts the southern edge of the basin. Another branch rises on the south of Teirshiha and runs close to the northern edge of the basin, under the imposing remains of Kulat Jiddin, the vast Castle Judin of the Crusaders, and said to have been repaired as late as 1750 by Sheikh Dhaher when he governed Galilee. Another wady drains the centre of this basin and comes down between the villages of Yanûh (alt. 2,200 feet) and Jett, and empties itself at Kh. Akrûsh.

The basin of Nahr Mefshukh lies between the Majnuneh and el Kûrn. At its head are the villages of Malia and Teirshiha, near which rise three branches which skirt the northern and southern edges, and the centre of the basin,