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Page:An Introduction to the Survey of Western Palestine.djvu/52

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northern boundary and passing Kakon in the plain, joins the permanent stream not far from its outfall. The north-eastern part of the basin is drained by its most noted watercourse, the "Wady esh Shair and its tributaries. This wady rises at the town of Nablus and flows by Zawata, where it receives a tributary from Asiret el Hatab (alt. 2,036 feet) at the northern base of Mount Ebal. Then it waters Deir Sharaf, and flows on to Eamin (alt. 1,095 feet) where another feeder unites, which rises at Yasid (alt. 2,340 feet) in the north-east angle of the basin, and washes the remains of Samaria (Sebustieh). Below Eamin it passes Anebta (alt. 545 feet) and takes the name of Wady Zeimer, up to its confluence with the Wady from Kulunsaweh, near Jisr (Bridge) el Maktabeh. On the south of Wady Zeimer are the villages of Kefr el Lebad, Dennabeh (alt. 506 feet), and TulKeram (alt. 370 feet), below which the wady leaves the hills.

On the south of Wady esh Shair is another large water- course which rises in Jebel et Tur (Mount Gerizim) and drains the south-eastern part of the basin as far west as el Funduk. This is the Wady et Tin, which after a very winding course leaves the hills between Irtah (alt. 340 feet) and Feron (alt. 581 feet) and joins the Wady Kulunsaweh at Burin. West of its source, it passes el Arak, Till (alt. 2,084 feet), and Surra (alt. 1,647 feet), where it flows due north, and then bends round to the west, and again turns to the north passing Kusein. At Kh. ed Deir, it meanders to the west-south-west to the foot of the village of Kur (alt. 1,257 feet). Above Kur, it receives a tributary from Kh. Jafrun, Ferata (alt. 1,715 feet), Amatin, el Funduk (alt. 1,295 feet), Kuryet Hajja (alt. 1,300 feet), Kuryet Jit (alt. 1,686 feet), and Kefr Kaddum (alt. 1,206 feet), villages on the southern margin of the basin. This is the Wady el Haj Musa.

The south-western part of the basin is drained by the Wady Kulunsaweh, which comes from Bir el Hanutah (alt. 365 feet), in the south-west angle, and runs to the north

along the western edge of the basin. The Wady en Naml