of the basin. Two wadys extending in the same line, descend from Eas Akra and Eas Jadir in opposite directions, and meet in a fine elevated plain on the north-west of Tubas (alt. 1,227 feet). Eunningon northward, this wadyis met by another coming towards it from Eas Ibsik (alt. 2,404 feet), and both turn eastward and descend through a gap in the hills to meet at Teiasir (alt. 995 feet) which overlooks another fine plain stretching out eastward. The wady advances round this plain by the north-west and then by the south-east, taking the names of Wady Mukhnawy and Wady el Hirreh, and receiving a tributary from the south side of the plain at a point between Kh. el Akabeh (alt. 732 feet) and Burj el Maleh (alt. 718 feet). From this confluence the wady takes the name of Wady el Maleh, and advances east- ward to the end of the range of Eas er Eaby on which stands the Burj or ruined castle of Maleh. It receives on its way affluents from Eas er Eaby on the north, and Eas J adir (alt. 2,326 feet) on the south, the former washing the south- western face of the castle hill, and the latter passing the village of Kh. Yerzeh (alt. 950 feet). On the south-east of Maleh Castle, the wady receives another tributary from the range of Eas Jadir, the southern margin of the basin ; and bends round to the north-east. At the eastern foot of the castle range, it receives a tributary which washes the north- eastern face of the castle hill, and thence it proceeds eastward to 'Ain Maleh and 'Ayun el Asawir, where it receives the Wady Helweh from the south.
The Wady Helweh rises along the south-western edge of the basin from Kh. Mofia (alt. 590 feet) to a point on the north of Kh. Umm esh Sheibik. These wadys meet at the toot of Kh. Umm el Hosr and run on northward to the confluence with Wady Kau Abu Deiyeh from the eastern margin, at the foot of Kh. Umm el Ikba (alt. 276 feet), where two tributaries from the west also fall in. The Wady Helweh continues northward to 'Ain Helweh and to the confluence with the Wady el Maleh.
The main stream or Wady el Maleh continues for a very