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Page:An alphabetic dictionary of the Chinese language in the Foochow dialect.djvu/31

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A raven with a white streak on its breast: the former is used in the term for opium: [1]꜀u ꜀a, or [2]꜂꜀a, (coll. ꜂lo ꜀wa), a crow, a raven; coll., [3]꜀a pʻiéng꜄ opium; [4]꜀a pʻiéng꜄ ꜀hong, opium as prepared for smoking; [5]꜀a pʻiéng꜄ ꜂kwang, an opium shop; [6]꜀a pʻiéng꜄ ꜁tʻu, crude opium, opium in balls; [7]꜀a pʻiéng꜄ ngiéng꜄ confirmed in the habit of smoking opium; [8]꜀a pʻieng꜄ ꜂sai, dregs of opium, as adhering to the pipe in smoking.
Forked, a fork, a crotch: the parting, of two fingers, branches, or tines: [9]꜀a ꜁kʻwang, a slave-girl, a maid-servant; coll. [10]꜀a ꜁tʻau, a female slave; [11]꜀a ꜁tʻau ꜂kiăng, a slave girl.
Read ꜀ó; used for the coll. ꜀a, as in [12]꜀a ꜁chi, a cicada, a locust; [13]꜀a ꜀pang, to chaffer, to haggle; [14]꜀a ꜀pang ꜀hu, or ꜀a
꜀pang ꜀kʻa, a chafferer, a skin flint, a mean fellow.
A coll. word, as in ꜀a ꜀cha, used for ꜀la ꜀cha, dirty, foul, vile.
A coll. character, used for the disjunctive or, as in o꜅ ꜀chiong wang꜅ ꜂a ꜁, is it so or not? also euphonic and emphatic, as in [15]se꜅ ꜂a, yes, it is, right.
Inferior, second, next, junior; to esteem lightly; hunchbacked, ugly; used as a prefix to names: [16]pok꜆ ꜂a, not inferior; com., [17]꜂a ꜀kʻwí, the second class of Küjin literary graduates, comprising from the sixth to the twelfth, as their names stand on the official list; [18]꜂a seng꜄ a secondary sage, as Mencius; [19]꜂a maing꜅ another designation for Mencius.

Dumb, unable to speak; dull, faded; a cracked sound, as of a bell; confused noise of children; wheezing; the nape of the neck: [20]꜂a ꜂kʻeu, dumb, a

  1. 烏鴉
  2. 老鴉
  3. 鴉片
  4. 鴉片煙
  5. 鴉片館
  6. 鴉片土
  7. 鴉片癮
  8. 鴉片屎
  9. 丫鬟
  10. 丫頭
  11. 丫頭仔
  12. ⿰虫時
  13. 阿邦
  14. 阿邦夫○
  15. 是吓
  16. 不亞
  17. 亞魁
  18. 亞聖
  19. 亞孟
  20. 啞口