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Page:An alphabetic dictionary of the Chinese language in the Foochow dialect.djvu/32

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dumb person; [1]꜂a ꜂chü (coll. ꜂a ꜀chü), a mute; [2]꜂a me꜅ an enigma, a riddle; com., [3]pang꜅ ꜂a, dumb, a mute; [4]꜀siăng ꜀ing ꜂a, the voice hoarse; ꜀tʻiéng ꜁lëng te꜅ ꜂a, deaf and dumb, incorrigibly stupid; coll., ꜂a ꜀chü siăh꜇ ꜁wong ꜁liéng, the dumb eat the (bitter) ꜁wong ꜁liéng herb; met., one dumb with grief.

Brothers-in-law: [5]꜀ing ꜂a, relatives by marriage, especially brothers and parents.
Read ꜂au; coll. ꜂a: to snap, to break in two, to twist: [6]꜂a siék꜇ to break in two; ꜂a ꜀hwa, to pluck flowers; ꜂a chiă꜄ to break the sugarcane; [7]꜂a ꜂chʻiu, to bend or wrench hands, as in a trial of strength; met., perverse, refractory; ꜂a lang꜅ ꜁tong, or ꜂a tói꜄ ꜁tong, to snap or break in two.
A coll. word used at the end of a sentence; an exclamation of pain or surprise, spoken ꜁a or a꜅ according to intensity of feeling: ꜀ai ꜁a, or ꜀ai a꜅ oh! ah! se꜅ ꜁a, it is certainly; ꜂꜁a, good, excellent.
Read ha꜅; coll. a꜅: down, inferior, low, mean; next, once, a time, a while; below, under, to descend; a little; a particle denoting fold or quantity: [8]a꜅ ꜁niéng, the following year; a꜅ ngwok꜇ next month; a꜅ ꜂, below, under; sioh꜇ a꜅ once; lang꜅ a꜅ twice; ꜂ting sioh꜇ a꜅ wait a little; a꜅ pwang꜅ one and a half; lang꜅ a꜅꜅ twice as much;
a꜅ kié꜄ the following quarter of the year; [9]a꜅ ꜂ngu, or a꜅ tau꜄ the afternoon; a꜅ chiéng꜅ low, vulgar, mean; a꜅ chóh꜆ or a꜄ ꜁siă, sordid, niggardly; [10]a꜅ kai꜄ the lower regions, hades; a꜅ ꜀sing, or a꜅ ꜁tong, the lower portion of the human body; [11]a꜅ nik꜇ a future day; [12]a꜅ ꜁ing, a menial, a servant; a꜅ ꜁huí, or a꜅ chʻéü꜄ the next time; a꜅ ne꜅ ꜁huí, the very next time, another time, hereafter; [13]a꜅ ꜂hu, the lower prefectures (of Fookien); [14]a꜅ ꜁nang, name given to the S. E. maritime districts of Fookien; [15]a꜅ ꜀kʻwo, the next literary examination; [16]a꜅ ꜀chʻung, the next primary examination; pʻah꜆ ꜂kwi a꜅ to strike a few times, give a few blows; a꜅ ꜁ma tai꜅ grasping, overreaching; na꜅ sioh꜇ a꜅ just once; only, but, this only; this one point remains, as to be spoken or considered; [17]a꜅ ꜁hai, or a꜅ ꜁pa, the chin; [18]a꜅ so꜄ a secret, something concealed, a secret purpose or design, as ꜀i o꜅ sié꜄ nóh꜆ a꜅ what secret design has he? [19]a꜅ ꜂chʻiu, to put the hand to, to seize, to begin to do; a꜅ ma꜄ yéng꜄ a feast given to a friend on his arrival; a꜅ paik꜆ taëng꜅ a bully, a rough, a rascal.
Read ha꜅; coll. a꜅ as in [20]a꜅ ꜁mwong, Amoy; [21]a꜅ ꜁mwong ꜂hai ꜁wong, the Amoy superintendent of Trade; [22]a꜅ ꜁mwong tó꜅ the Tautai of Amoy.
Read ꜁ngă; used for the coll. a꜅: the crying of a child.

  1. 啞子
  2. 啞謎
  3. 病啞
  4. 聲音啞
  5. 姻婭
  6. 拗折
  7. 拗手
  8. 下年
  9. 下午
  10. 下界
  11. 下日
  12. 下人
  13. 下府
  14. 下南
  15. 下科
  16. 下春
  17. 下頦
  18. 下數
  19. 下手
  20. 厦門
  21. 厦門海防
  22. 厦門道