abed kush able pov above super about pri accompany akompan across trans accustom oneself to kutim abstract nouns end in ec accordingly laŭ ache dolor acid acid acquainted with, to become konigh action, place of, ej (suffix) action, duration of, ek (suffix) action (n.) faro adjectives end in o adverb (n.) evort affair afer affliction malplezur after post again re against kontraŭ against his will vole ne vole age agh agent agent ago antaŭ agreeable agrable aid help air aer aim cel alike egal all chie
alley aleo aloud laŭt already jam also ankaŭ; ech although kvankam altogether tuj ambiguity malklarec ancestors antaŭoloj andkai angel anghel angle angul angry koler animal best annoy chagren annoyance chagrenec answer respond any kelk anticipate antaŭpens actechamber antaŭchambro apple pom arise sin lev army militistaro around chirkaŭ as—so kiu—tia ass azen assist help astonish mir
astonishing things
asunder dis (affix) at pri at leastal menaŭ at one's house (chez) che at your house (chez) che vi attack atako autumn aŭtun
avarice avarec avaricious avara avaricious man avarul avenge vengh avow konfes awake vek awake, to cause to, vekigh away for
back (adv.) re back (n.) dors bad mal bad exhalation haladz babble babil bachelor fraŭl bag sak bake bak balance balanc bald senhara ball pilk bank of a river rand baptize bapt bar bar bark (v.) boj barrel barel base malnobl bathe ban bawl bru be est be cured sanigh beam of light radi bear urs beard barb beast best beat (v.) bat, frap beautiful bel