because tial become (suffix) igh become friendly with amikigh beer bier before antaŭ before I had spoken a word se ia antaŭparolis beg pet beggar malrichegulo begin komenc behind post belief kred belly ventr belong apart below malsupr bench benk betroth fianchig between inter big dik bind lig, bind bird bird bite mord black nigr bless ben blood sang blow blov blue blu boardtabŭl body korp boil bol bold kuragh bone ost bonnet chap book libr boot bot borrow prunt bottle botel bottom fund box kest boy knab brandy brand bread pan break romp breakfast matenmangh breast brust breathe spir breed eduk bride fianch
bridge pont brink bord broad largh brooch bros brother frat brotherhood frateco build konstru business afer but sed butter buter button buton buy achet by par
cake sukrpan calash kalesh caldron kaldron calf bovid call vok call for postul candle kandel candle-stick kandelig cap chap caprice kapris capricious kaprisa care for zorg careless maldiligenta, senregardema carpenter meblisto carpet tapish cask barel cast jhet cat kat cause kaŭz cause, to do, (suffix) ig cease ches chagrin chagrin chain chen chair sedh chalk kret chamber chambr chance sort change shangh character kharakter cheek vang cheese fromagh chest kest chew mach
chief teacher lernejestro child infan childhood infanec child of id (suffix) chimney kamin choleric ekkolerema chop fend circle rond city urb civilisation civilizado clean pur clear klar clear out (v.) forir clearness klareco clock horlogh closet shrank clothe (v.) vest cloud nub coal karb cock kok coffee kaf coffin cherk cold malvarm collar kolum collective nouns end in ec collect kolekt colleague koleg color kolor column kolon comb komb combat milit combustible brula come ven come forth elir command ordon commend laŭd compatriot kunlandano complete tut compound (adj.) kunmetita comprehensible komprenebla conceal kash, kovr conceive kompren condition kondich conduct konduk conformably laŭ consecrate ben consent konsent constant konstant