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Page:An elementary grammar of the old Norse or Icelandic language.djvu/10

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to the present time chiefly on the northern dialects of the English peasantry. Many provincialisms are thus retained by them the etymology of which can be traced to a Scandinavian origin. The following, selected from a large number, will sufficiently illustrate this statement.

Provincialisms. English. Icelandic.
bain near beinn
bawk a cross beam bálkr
beck brook bekkr
bigg barley bygg
duck cloth dúkr
eldin kindling elding
fell mountain fjall
to flit to remove flytja
force waterfall fors
frosk frog froskr
garth enclosure (yard) garđr
gaumless half silly gaumr (heed)
gill cleft gil
to girn to yearn girna
gowk cuckoo gaukr
to grave to dig grafa
to harry to plunder herja
hegg bird-cherry heggr
host cough hosti
ing meadow eng
kitling kitten kettlingr
to lake to play leika
lathe barn hlađa
lift air lopt
ling heather lyng
muck dung myki
neive fist hnefi
puck goblin púki
rang wrong rangr
rig back hryggr
to rive to tear in pieces rífa