Williams and Norgate's School Books and Maps.
Victor Hugo. Les Misérables. Les Principaux Episodes. Edited, with Life and Notes, by J. Boïelle, Senior French Master, Dulwich College. 2 vols. Crown 8vo. cloth each 3s 6d
———Notre Dame de Paris. Adopted for the use of Schools and Colleges. By J. Boïelle,B.A., Senior French Master, Dulwich College. 2 vols. Crown 8vo. cloth each 3s
Foa (Mad. Eugen.) Contes Historiques, with idiomatic Notes by G. A. Neveu. Second Edition. Cloth 2s
Krueger (H.) Short but Comprehensive French Grammar. 5th Edition. 180 pp. 12mo. cloth 2s
Delbos (L.) French Accidence and Minor Syntax. 2nd Edition. Crown 8vo. cloth 1s 6d
———Student's French Composition on an entirely new plan. Crown 8vo. cloth 3s 6d
Strouwelle (Prof. A.) Treatise on French Genders. 12mo. cloth 1s 6d
Schmidt (Dr. H.) Petit Vocabulaire. A systematically arranged French Vocabulary. Cloth. 1s
Ahn's French Vocabulary and Dialogues, for English Schools. 2nd Edition. 12mo. cloth 1s 6d
Roussy. Cours de Versions. Pieces for translation into French, with Notes. Crown 8vo. cloth 2s 6d
Vinet (A.) Chrestomathie Française ou Choix de Morceaux tirés des meilleurs Ecrivains Français. 11th Edition. 358 pp. cloth 3s 6d
Williams (T. S.) and J. Lafont. French Commercial Correspondence. A Collection of Modern Mercantile Letters in French and English, with their translation on opposite pages. 2nd Edition. 12mo. cloth 4s 6d
French Classics for English Schools. Edited with Introduction and Notes by Leon Delbos, M.A., of King's College. Crown 8vo. cloth
1. Racine. Les Plaideurs 1s 6d
2. Corneille. Horace 1s 6d
3. Corneille. Cinna 1s 6d
4. Molière. Bourgeois Gentilhomme 1s 6d
5. Corneille. Le Cid 1s 6d
6. Molière, Les Précieuses Ridicules. 1s 6d
7. Chateaubriand. Voyage en Amérique 1s 6d
8. De Maistre. Les Prisonniers du Caucase, and le Lépreux d'Aoste 1s 6d
9. La Fontaine's Select Fables. 1s 6d
(To be continued.)