Williams and Norgate's School Books and Maps.
Fleury's Histoire de France, racontée à la Jeunesse, edited for the use of English Pupils, with Grammatical Notes, by Beljame. 3rd Edition. 12mo. cloth boards 3s 6d
Mandrou (A.) French Poetry for English Schools. 2nd Edition. 12mo. cloth 2s
Weisse's Complete Practical Grammar of the German Language, with Exercises in Conversations, Letters, &c. 4th Edition. 12mo. cloth 6s
———New Conversational Exercises in German Composition, 2nd Edition. 12mo. cloth (Key, 5s) 3s 6d
Schlatter's German Class Book. A Course of Instruction based on Becker's System, and so arranged as to exhibit the Self-development of the Language, and its Affinities with the English. By Fr. Schlutter, Royal Military Academy, Woolwich. 4th Edition. 12mo. cloth (Key 5s) 5s
Moller (A.) A German Reading Book. A Companion to Schlutter's German Class Book. With a complete Vocabulary. 150 pp. 12mo. cloth 2s
Ravensberg (A. v.) Practical Grammar of the German Language. Conversational Exercises, Dialogues and Idiomatic Expressions. Third Edition. 12mo. cloth (Key, 2s) 5s
———Rose's English into German. A Selection of Anecdotes, Stories, &c., with copious Notes. 2nd Edition. Cloth (Key, 5s) 4s 6d
———German Reader, Prose and Poetry, with copious Notes for Beginners. 2nd Edition. Crown 8vo. cloth 3s
Sonnenschein and Stallybrass. First German Reading Book. Easy Poems with interlinear Translations, Notes, etc. 4th Edition. 12mo. cloth 4s 6d
Ahn's German Method by Rose. A New Edition of the genuine Book, with a Supplement consisting of Models of Conjugations, a Table of all Regular Dissonant and Irregular Verbs, Rules on the Prepositions, &c. &c. By A. V. Rose. 2 Courses in 1 vol. Cloth 3s 6d
———German Method by Rose, &c. First Course. Cloth 2s Apel's Short and Practical German Grammar for Beginners, with copious Examples and Exercises. 2nd Edition. 12mo. cloth 2s 6d
For Continuation see the end of the Volume.