inches in diameter, and the length of its rays about 2½ inches. One of the rays connects with a similar but smaller figure.
Fig 9 is also a double figure; the first character is like Fig. 8, but larger and has one ray less. The body of this figure measures 7½ inches

in diameter, and the length of the rays from 2 to 3 inches. The second character represents some reptile, as the tortoise, and measures from head to tip of tail 13 inches. The bodies of these figures, like Fig. 8, are cut to the depth of one-fourth to one-half inch.
Fig. 10 is another double object and might have been intended by the unskillful sculptor to represent a lizard with its prey or young. The smaller figure is reversed. The larger figure, from head to tip of tail, measures 15 inches; the smaller one, 7 inches.

To the right of the characters represented in Fig. 10 are two characters, Figs. 11 and 12, which are somewhat confused, and were difficult to trace, as they are surrounded by a multitude of indistinct lines and cuts. The sculptor had perhaps spoiled his figure and tried to obliterate it.

Fig. 13 are small irregular depressions in the wall of the cavern, to the right of the character represented by Fig. 14.
Fig. 14 is another reptile, with a peculiar swell on the neck and an elongated head. The length of this figure, from head to tip of tail, is 19½ inches.