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Figs. 15 and 16 occur still further to the right, and appear to be of a more recent period, and cut with a better instrument or by a more skillful sculptor.

In the rock floor of the smaller chamber is a round hole 19 inches in depth and 7½ inches in diameter at the top, and about 4 inches at the bottom; probably used for a mortar by the ancient cave-dwellers.

On the roof or dome there are several figures, as represented by Fig. 17, that have been painted on the surface of the rock and are now faded to a pale gray.

I found no spiral figures of any kind here, which occur so frequently among inscriptions of this character in other localities.

No stone implements of any kind, except a few broken pieces of arrow-heads, have been found in the vicinity of this cavern.

The sculptured characters here described are undoubtedly of ancient origin, and the only ones that have been discovered in Johnson County. However, I have been informed that similar inscriptions occur in Newton and Carroll Counties, of this State.


By A. Jones, M. D., of Caddo Gap, Ark.

In the fork of White and Beach Rivers, Independence County, Arkansas, is a collection of mounds 2 or 3 miles each way in extent. They are 4 or 5 feet high, and laid out in rows in a semicircular form, about 6 miles above Jackson.

There is another group south of Suspension Rock, half a mile south, laid out in the same way.

On section 17, township 5 south, range 21 west, are two mounds 7 or 8 feet high, sunken at the top. Near by are depressions whence the earth for the mounds was taken. These have never been explored. They are on a piece of upland that has been cultivated and each had large trees growing on the summit. They stand about 2 miles from the Caddo River. There are two shell-beds near by, constructed of the common mussel, in which the coarse clay and shell pottery is found.

Four miles north of Amity, section 17, township 5 south, range 23 west, are several shell-heaps on a high and second bottom of the Caddo, entirely above overflow.

Another mound is in the Caddo Cove, 2 miles west of Black Springs, on the old Major Farr place, now owned by Dr. Gray. It is 5 feet high and has been explored. A depression 80 yards distant is the only spot in the vicinity whence the material of the tumulus could have been derived.

There are several shell-heaps on a high table-land bordering on the