Page:Appendix to the first twenty-three volumes of Edwards's Botanical Register.djvu/64

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lum,256 Microtis,261 the names and characters of which are given below, but none of which are at all worth introduction to gardens as objects of ornament.

Of the genus Caleana, however, there is one species which, although inconspicuous in appearance, requires to be noticed on account of its remarkable irritability, of which Mr. James Drummond has given an account in the Gardener's Magazine before referred to. He calls this C. nigrita,262 one of the most curious of sensitive plants; his description being made without a sufficient acquaintance with the organs of fructification must be remodelled, but was probably intended to be to the following effect. The column is a boat-shaped box, resembling a lower lip; the labellum forms a lid that exactly fits it, and is hinged on a claw which reaches the middle of the column; when the flower opens, it (the labellum) turns round within the column, and falls back, so that, the flower being inverted, it stands fairly over the latter. The moment a small insect touches its point, the labellum makes a sudden revolution, brings the point to the bottom of the column, passing the anther in its way, and thus makes prisoner any insect which the box will hold. When it catches an insect it remains shut while its prey continues to move about; but if no capture is made the lid soon recovers

(256) Prasophyllum giganteum; ovariis cylindraceis subsessilibus bracteâ acutâ plus duplò longioribus, sepalis acutis lateralibus supernè distinctis basi cohærentibus, labello oblongo-lanceolato undulato, folio dimidium superius caulis breviore.

(257) Prasophyllum macrotys; ovariis cylindraceis subsessilibus bracteâ acutissimâ plus duplò longioribus, spicâ multiflorâ, sepalis acutiusculis lateralibus supernè distinctis, columnæ laciniis lateralibus linearibus antherâ duplò longioribus, folio dimidium superius caulis subæquante.

(258) Prasophyllum ovale; ovariis clavatis bracteâ ovali ter longioribus, sepalis obtusis posticis distinctis labelli longitudine, labelli ovalis supra medium callosi apice obtuso undulato.

(259) Prasophyllum gracile; ovariis pedicellatis bracteâ acutâ ter longioribus, sepalis acuminatis lateralibus basi cohærentlbus, labello cordato ovato acuto nudo medio semel undulato, folio caule multo longiore.

(260) Prasophyllum parvifolium; ovariis clavatis, spicâ pauciflorâ obtusâ, sepalis acuminatis lateralibus basi saccatis, petalis conformibus, rostello longissimo setaceo.

(261) Microtis atrata; folio basi cucullato caule longiore, spicâ densâ cylindraceâ, sepalis lateralibus oblongis revolutis supremo subrotundo, petalis ovatis acutis, labello oblongo obtuso nudo.———Flores minutissimi atri.

(262) Caleana nigrita; folio ovato acuminato obtuso basi cucullato, scapo nudo, labelli laminâ lineari tuberculatâ basi subcordatâ apice angustatâ indivisâ.