its position. This plant is rare, and where it does grow is not easily found, its whole appearance being that of charcoal, among which it usually springs up.
Besides these the Colony yields two curious new irritable genera of the Arethusean division of this order ; both however small-flowered, and apparently dull-coloured. Of these
Fig. 3. |
Drakæa elastica263 has a single flower placed at the end of a slender smooth erect scape, from twelve to eighteen inches high, and its labellum, which is hammer-headed, and placed on a long arm with a moveable elbow joint in the middle, is stated by Mr. Drummond to resemble an insect suspended in the air, and moving with every breeze. The other plant
Fig. 4. |
Spiculæa ciliata. |
(263) Drakæa. (Arethuseae), Sepala et petala linearia, conformia, reflexa. Labelli unguis longissimus, medio articulatus; lamina peltata, convexa, cum pede suo mobilis decidua. Columna elongata, clavata, semiteres, basi