Page:Appletons' Cyclopædia of American Biography (1889, volume 6).djvu/744

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706 AS-SE-HE-HO-LAR AZTEC As-se-he-tao-lar, IV, 599, Osceola. Assheton, Ralph, VI, 396, Watts, E. Assinais Indians, the, III, 482, Jucherau. Associated press, the consolidated, V, 596, Smith, W. H. Associate Reformed church, the, founded, IV, 845, Mason, John : III, 632, Laurie, J. ; mission of, III, 164, Hender- son, M. Association for the advancement of science, the, V, 139, Putnam, F. W. ; 204, Redfield, W. C. ; 307, Rogers, W. B. ; 528, gift to, VI, 90, Thompson, E. Association of American geologists, VI, 256, Vanuxem. Associators. the, IV, 525, Nixon, J. ; V, 574, Smith, J. B. Assos expedition, the, II, 178, Diller. Assyriology, III, 210, Hilprecht ; VI, 695, O'Conor. Asteroids, zodiacs of, computed, III, 292, Hubbard, J. S. ; discoveries of, IV, 741, Peters, C. H. F. : VI, 189, Tut- tle, H. P. ; 392, Watson, J. C. Astor expedition, the, II, 522, Franchere. Astoria, story of, 1, 112, Astor ; II, 522, Franchere ; surren- der of, IV, 133, Mackenzie, D. ; journey from, V, 732, Stuart, R. Astoria, L. I., Isabella home at, IV, 608, Ottendorfer, A. Astor library, the, I, 679, Cogswell, J. G. ; illustration, I, 112; gifts to, 113. Astor place riots, the, n, 273, Duryee, A. ; 505, Forrest, E. ; HI, 45, Hall, W. ; 485, Judson, E. Z. C. ; VI, 26, Tallmadge, F. A. Astrologer, the New England, VI, 179, Tully, J. Astrologers, predictions of, HI, 37, Ixtlilxochitl II. Astrology, IV, 496, Netzahualpilli. Astronomical instruments, improvements in, II, 653, Gil- liss ; III, 83, Harkness, W. ; 271, Hough, G. W. ; IV, 341, Mitchel, O. M. ; V, 356-357, Rutherfurd, L. M. ; VI, 11, Swift, L. Astronomical lantern, a, I, 634, Clarke, J. F. Astronomical observatory of Bogota, IV, 472, Mutis. Astronomy, discoveries, observations, photography, etc., I, 585, Chase, P. E. : 755, Covarrubias ; II, 585, Gama, A. L. de.: 693, Gould, B. A.; III. 37, Hall, A.: 204, Hill, G. W.; 232, Holden ; 292-293, Hubbard, J. S.; 611, Lang- ley ; IV, 18, Loomis, E. ; 47, Lozano, F. R. ; 342, Mitchel, O. M. ; 347, Mitchell, M. ; 503, Newcomb ; 701, Peirce ; 741, Peters, C. F. H; V, 4, Pickering, E. C. ; 127, Proctor, R. A.; 263, 310-311, Rogers, W. A. ; £56-357, Rutherfurd, L. M.; 366, Safford, T. H ; 447, Searle, G. M. and A. ; 666, Smith, G. W.; VI, 11, Swift, L. 125, Todd, D. P.; 189, Tuttle, H. P.; 206, Ulloa,; 274, Velasquez Car- denas ; 331, Walker, S. C. ; 392, Watson, J. C. ; 462. Whip- ple, J. A.; 565, Winlock ; 575. Winthrop,J.; 619, Wright, A. W.; 646, Young, C. A.; 672, Brooks ; 679, Elkin ; first practical work in IT. S., II, 653, Gilliss. Asuncion, founded, I, 123, Ayolas ; settlement of, IV, 437, Mosquera, R. G. ; taken by allies, IV, 21, Lopez, F. S. ; chart of, III, 330, Huss. Atahualpa, the inca, II, 152, De Soto ; cause of the exe- cution of, II, 427, Felipe ; portraits of, IV, 385, ilfora, D. Ataianta, capture of the. I, 180. Barry, J. Atchison, college founded in, IV, 318, Miege. Atequiza, battle at, IV, 339, Miramon. Athenaeum Shaw, sobriquet, V. 487, Shaw, W. S. Athens. American school at, IH, 204, Hill, F. M. ; gifts to, VI, 590, Wolfe. Athens, Ga., gift of land for, IV, 324, Milledge, J. Athens of America, the, Netzahualcoyotl. Atheos, anonymous book, n, 556, Frothingham, W. Atherton, Israel, HI, 110, Haskell, A. Atherton gag, the. I, 114, Atherton, C. G. Atkins, Dudley. VI. 202, Tyng. Atkinson, Charles F., IV, 27, Loring, F. W. Atkinson, Rev. Dr., H. 185, Dixon, Alexander. Atkinson, Theodore, VI, 435, Wentworth, F. D. Atkinson. N. H., gift to, VI, 179, Tufts, Q. Atlanta, Sherman's movement on. IT, 714 ; destruction of railroads, III, 535, Kilpatrick : battle at, 247, Hood. J. B. ; IV, 6, Loqan, W. A. ; V, 504, Sherman ; influence of Its capture. III, 723. Atlanta, capture of the. II, 266, Du Pont ; V, 297. Atlantic, wreck of the, I, 93, Armstrong. W. J. Atlantic City, Mercer home at. IV. 300, Mercer, A. J. Atlantic coast, survey of the, I, 297. Blunt, E. and G. W. Atlantic insurance company, the, HI, 472, Jones. W. R. Atlantic Journal and Friend of Kowledge, the, V, 159, Ra- flnesque. Atlantic Magazine, the, V, 389, Sands. R. C. Atlantic Monthly, the, II. 346 ; 451, Fields. J. T; III, 240, Holmes, O. W. ; 286 ; IV, 41 ; VI, 210, Underwood, F. H. ; 493, Whittier. Atlantic telegraph, the, project of, company organized, II, 448, Field, Cyrus W. : first cable. 449 ; second and third cables, 449 ; view of the Great Eastern, 449 ; first sug- gestion of, route indicated. IV, 265 ; III. 602, Lampson. Atlantis, m, 190, Hervas ; II, 201, Donnelly, I. Atlas, the, IH, 187, Herrick, A. Atlee, Capt., Ill, 357, Irvine, James. Atlee, Col. W. P., I, 115, Atlee, J. L. ; IV, 661, Parry, C. Atlixco. Duke of, V, 401, Sarmiento. atmospheric changes, inventor of recorder for, V, 676, Ste- wns. E. Atmospheric physics, I, 295, Blodget, L. Atomic weights, investigations on, I, 633, Clarke, F. W. ; IV, 183, Mallet. Atoms, theory of, VI, 459, Whelpley, J. D. Atrato expedition, the, II, 3, Craven, T. A. M. Atterley, Joseph, pen-name, VI, 175, Tucker, G. Attic Nights, periodical, VI, 460, Whipple, E. P. Atticus, pen-name, IV, 382, Moore, M. Attiwandaronks, the, Vl, 140, Totiri. Atwood, Chief-Justice, I, 198, Bayard, N. Atzcapotzalco, empire of, VI. 635, Xolotl. Auburn, Seward house at, illustration, V, 472. Auburn theological seminary, IV, 24, Lord, E. ; gifts to, IV, 398, Morgan, E. B. ; V, 272, Robert, C. R. ; VI, 32, Tappan, A. Auckland, Lord, II, 302, Eden, W. Auditor, great third, III, 25, Hagner, P. Augui6, Madame, U, 624, Genest. Augusta, Ga., sieges of, during the Revolutionary war, I, 511, Campbell, Sir A. ; 414, Browne, T. ; III, 667, Lee ; IV, 768, Pickens, A. ; seizure of arsenal at. in 1861, 1, 408, Brown, J. E.; Confederate powder- works at, V, 161, Rains, G. W. Augusta, Me., gift to, VI, 676. Corey. Augustana college. III, 111. Hasselguist. Augustine, Saint,- II, 627-628. Geraidini. Augustines, the, II, 573-574, Galberry ; missions of, IV, 405, Moriarty ; V, 24, Pineda. Aulne, Baron d VI, 183, Turgot, A.K.J. Aunt Alice, pen-name, 11, 727, Graves, A. C. Aunt Fanny, pen-name, 1, 179, Barrow, F. E. ; n, 568, Gage, F.D. Aunt Kitty, pen-name, IV, 124, Mcintosh, M. J. Auriesville, III, 435, Jogues. Aurora Borealis of 1780, the, H, 681, Goodrich, E. Austin, George L., IV, 762, Phillips, Wendell. Austin, Loring H., VI, 668, Austin, J. G. Austin, Moses, I, 121, Austin, S. F. Austin, Miss., burned. II, 327, Ellet, A. W. Australia, exploration of, I, 715 ; II, 63, Dampier ; 534, Franklin, Sir J. Austria, burning of the, II, 317, Eisfcld. Austria, Archduchess of, II, 526, Franco, F. de M. ; TV. 698, Pedro I. Auto da f6 in Mexico, an, VI, 137, Torres y Rueda. Autographic recording testing-machine, inventor of a, VI, 110, Thurston. Autographs, collection of, V, 638, Sprague, W. B. ; coun- terfeited, 639, Spring, R. Automaton Minstrel and Bird, I, 686, Coleman, O. M. Auton, C, pen-name, III, 262, Hoppin, A. Aux Canardo, engagement at, I. 551, Cass, L. Aux Cayes, taken by buccaneers, HI, 343, Illigen. Avache, island of, III, 631, Laurent. Avahi, battle of, IV, 499, Neves. Avalon, I. 153, Baltimore ; 620, Claiborne. Avavares, tribe of the, I, 490, Cabeza. Averell, Ebenezer, I, 121, Averell, W. W. Avery, Rev. Joseph, II, 465, Fisher, Jonathan. Averysboro', fight at, II. 715 : V, 505. Avila, Gonzalez de, IV, 570, Olid. Avon, manor of, Md., V, 704, Stone, W. Avonia, Kan., Ill, 467, Jones, J. Mather. Awakening, the great, II, 310, 312. Axacan, country of, V, 455, Segura. Axayacatl, King, VI, 123, Tizoc. Axtell, William. H, 145, De Peyster, F. Ayacucho, battle of, I, 306 ; 739, Cordova, J. M. ; IV, 330, Miller, W. ; V, 463, Serna ; 739, Sucre, A. J. Ayacucho, the hussar of, HI, 184, Herran, P. A. Ayen, Duke d III, 586, Lafayette. Ayers, Miss, II, 221, Downing, Col. Aylett, Miss, HI, 665, Lee, R. H. Aylett, William, I, 361, Braxton. Aymard, Col., IV, 291, Mejia. Aymard, Gustave, pen-name, n, 659, Gioux. Ayolas, Juan de, II, 515, Foucher. Ayrshire, wreck of the, H, 524, Francis, J. Ayutla, plan of, I, 62, Alvarez, J. ; II, 124, Degollado. Azcapotzalco, kings of, I, 606, Chimalpopoca. Azilia, margravate of, IV, 372, Montgomery, R. Azores, the, famines in, II, 51, Dabney, C. W. ; naval battle near, 761, Grenville, R. Aztec calendar-stone, the, II, 585, Gama, A. L. de. Aztec club, the, VI, 146, Tower, Z. B. Aztec kingdom, consolidation of the, I, 9, Acamapictli. Aztec language, the, I, 360, Brasseur ; first preaching in, II, 558, Fuensalida : works in, IV, 352. Molina, A. de ; decipherment of MSS. and inscriptions, II, 398, Fabregat : V. 520, Sibiel ; VI, 6115, Xolotl. Aztecs, the, VI, 63, Tenoch : 75, Thiband ; kings of, I, 606, Chimalpopoca; III. 307. Huitzilihuitl : first emperor of, 372, Izcohuatl ; compared with the Toltecs, 300, Huemat- zin ; treatment of, 183. Hernandez, V. ; relics of, I, 595, Chavero ; antiquities and hieroglyphs, III, 342. Ignacio, Igolino ; destruction of antiquities of. IV, 634, Palafox : teaching of a priest of, III, 307, Huitzilihuitzin : work on, V, 368, Sahagun ; chronicle of the, VI, 655, Zapata- Mudoza. Aztec Virgil, the. H, 28, Cultzhayotl.