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B BARILLI 707 B, pen-name, VI, 353, Ward. N. Babbat, Elizabeth, III, 146, Haynes, L. Babbitt metal, I, 125, Babbitt, I. ; II, 187, Dixon, Joseph. Babcock, Alpheus, I, 602, Chickering, Jonas. Babcock, Chief -Justice, I, 125, Babcock, H. Babylonia, exploring expedition to, VI, 356, Ward, W. H. Baccalaos, IV, 646, Parent, P. Bacchus, island of, I, 543, Cartier, J. Bache, Paul, III, 737, Lis2>enard. Bache, Sarah, V, 463, Sergeant, T. Bache, Miss, III, 109, Harwood, J. E. Bachelor's Elysium of Irving, the, III, 511, Kemble, G. Backus Island, I, 292, Blennerhassett. Bacon, Edmund, III. 423. Bacon, W. R., Ill, 440, Johnson, Mary. Bacon's rebellion, 1, 131, Bacon, N. ; II, 234, Drummond, W. Bacot, T. W., Ill, 301, Huger, A. Bacteria, cause of disease in plants, I, 469, Burrill. Badajos, Gonzalo de, treasure lost by, II, 374, Espinosa, G. Bad Axe river, engagements on, I, 115, Atkinson, H. 273, Black Hawk ; VI, 53. Bad Boy's Diary, the, anonymous book, VI, 287, Victor, Metta V. Baden, revolution in, V, 524 ; 725, Struve. Badger, Ruth, I, 680, Cogswell, T. Badfllo, Pedro, V, 290, Robledo. Bad Lands, the, III, 131, Hayden, F. V.; skirmish in, V, 743, Sully, A. Baffin, arctic voyages of the, V, 434, Scoresby. Bagioli, Antonio, V, 523, Sickles. Bahadoor, Jung, IV, 572, Oliphant. Bahama islands, the, governor of, II, 132 ; capture of, 654, Gillon : expedition to. III, 254, Hopkins, Esek ; slaves taken from, IV, 567, Ojedo. Bahia, founded, V, 616, Souza, T. de ; taken by the Dutch, IV, 480, Nassau-Siegen ; IV, 487, Negreiros ; recaptured, IV, 621, Padilha ; V, 362, Sa, S. C. de ; IV, 418, Moura ; IV, 531, Nores ; evacuated by the Portuguese, IV, 698, Pedro I. Bail, Louis, IV, 20, Loop, J. S. Bailey, Abigail, IV, 396. Bailey, Ezra, II, 665, Gleim, C. Bailly, Leon, pupil of, VI, 114, Tiffany, L. C. Baily, Edward H., Ill, 302, Hughes, B. Bainbridge, Sir Arthur, I, 140, Bainbridge, W. Baird, Matthew, II, 696, Gould, W. Baird, Thomas, VI, 669. Baird, H. S. Baisch, Hermann, pupil of, VI, 20, Tait, J. B. Baker, Conrad, III, 166, Hendricks, T. A. Baker, Francis, VI, 669, Baker, W. Baker, Isaac D., V, 443, Scribner. Baker, Laura E., IV, 60, Lyman, L. E. B. Baker, Thomas, II, 380, Evans, D. R. Bakewell, Lucy, I, 117, Audubon. Balaklava, charge at, II. 260, Dunn, A. R. Balance, the Hudson, II, 21, Croswell, H. Balcarce, Gen., IV, 21, Lopez, E. ; 57, Luzuriaga ; V, 320, Rosas. Balch, Rev. T., II, 47, Cutler, M. Baleh, W. R., II, 605, Garfield. Bald Eagle of Westchester, the sobriquet, in, 330, Husted. Baldwin, Christopher C, V, 345, Ruggles, T. Baldwin, George R., VI, 617, Worthen. Baldwin, Simeon, 1, 149, Baldwin, R. S. ; V, 528, Silliman, B. Baldwin, Robert, II, 320, Elgin. Baldwin Blues, the, II, 196, Doles. Baldv Smith, sobriquet, V, 596, Smith, W. F. Baliol, John, V, 438, Scott, R. Ball, Mary, VI, 373. Ball, Thomas, group by, I, 45, Alexander, Archer. Ballevian, Jose, II, 551, Frias, T. Ballinger, Joseph, I, 691, Collins, E. B. Balloon, use of the, in war, V, 303, Roebling, W. A. Ballooning. See aeronauts. Balloon Tytler, sobriquet, VI, 204, Tytler. Ballot reform, demand for, V. 233, Rice, A. T. Ballots, law on. sealed, VI, 325, Walker, A. Ballou, Rev. Maturin, I, 152, Ballou, H. Ballou, Eliza, II. 599, Garfield. Ball's Bluff, battle of, II, 171, Dickinson, Anna E. ; 383, Evans. N. G. ; V, 700, Stone, C. P. Balmaine, Rev. Alexander, IV, 282, Meade, W. Baltimore, defence of, in 1814, IH, 529, Key, F. S. ; V, 297 ; VI, 415, Webster, J. A. ; riots of 1812, in, III. 44, Hall, J. E. ; 76, Hanson, A. C. ; 667, Lee H. ; attack on the Federal Republican office, 76, Hanson, A. C. ; 732, Ling- am ; mob in. V, 588, Smith, S. ; riots of 1861 in, IV, 420, Morris, W. W. ; I, 73, Andrew ; VI, 389, Watson, B. F. ; I, 312, Bond, H. L. ; occupied, 477 ; cathedral of, IV, 204, Marechal ; gifts to, 106, McDonogh ; III, 256, Hopkins, Johns ; insane asylum in, V, 497, Sheppard, M. ; the Peabody institute, HI, 517, Kennedy, J. P. ; TV, 688, Pea- body, G. ; the Kelso orphan homes in, HI, 509, Kelso, T. ; V, 201, Ready ; public library founded in, illustration, 102 ; R. C. institutions in, HI, 519, Kenrick, F. P. ; rv, 338, Moranville ; gifts to charities of,— Thomas Wilson sanitarium, VI, 557. Baltimore academy of medicine, the, IV, 161, McSherry, R. Baltimore heater, the, III, 627, Latrobe, J. H. B. Balum-Votan, VI, 308, Votdn. Bancker, Gerrit, II, 539, Freeman, B. Banco Largo, battle at, HI, 356, Iribarren. Bancroft, A. L., I, 156, Bancroft, H H. Bancroft, George, quoted, V, 55 ; controversy with, 209, Reed, J. ; 210, W.B. Bancroft, Silas A., VI. 178, Tuckerman. S. P. Banda Oriental, the, III, 186, herrera, N. ; 653, Lecor ; IV, 698, Pedro I. Banderas, II, 164, Diaz. C. A. Bangor, Me., gift to, III, 189, Hersey, S. F. Bangor theological seminary, gifts to, HI, 638, Lawrence, A.; VI, 565, Winkley. Bangs, Lemuel, IV, 113, McElrath. Banker, Evart, II, 136, Dellius. Bank-bills, method of printing, in colors, H, 187, Dixon, Joseph. Bank fight, the, I, 430. Bank-note company, the American, II. 617, Gavit. Bank-note" plates, transfer machine for, I, 301, Bogard- us, J. Bank-note engraving, inventions for, II. 268, Durand, C. Bankrupt laws, III, 426, Jenckes ; VI, 331. Banks : the United States, war upon, repeal of its char- ter, etc., I, 257, 265, 500, 501 ; II, 58, Dallas ; III, 375, 381 ; contest of |Clay and Jackson, its abolition, 382 ; results, 383 ; 492, Kane, J. K. ; IV, 189, Mann ; events leading to the repeal of its charter, 244, Mason, Jeremiah ; V, 51 ; resolution of censure, and expunging resolution, 267, Rives, W. C. : 470, Seward, W. H. ; VI, 29 ; 193, Tyler, J. ; 195, 196, 232 ; national, II, 454 ; organization of, IV, 98, McCulloch, H. ; national, VI, 407 ; of America, the, 230 ; of California, the, IV, 332, Mills, D. O. ; V, 164, Ral- ston, W. C. ; of England founded, IV, 670, Paterson, W. ; of Nevada, the, 127, Mackay, J. W. ; of North America, the, 416, Morris, R. ; VI, 130, Tompkins ; of Pennsylvania, the, rv, 409 ; Morris, C. ; wild-cat, 256, Mather, S. H.; first, chartered, VI, 539, Willing. Banks, Sir Joseph, I, 715 ; IH, 655, Ledyard, J. ; V, 434, Scoresby. Baptism, celebrated debates on, IV. 395, Morgan, A. ; V, 236, Rice, N. L. ; VI, 337, Waller, J. L. Baptist homes, the Philadelphia and Germantown, IV, 544, Nugent, G. Baptist Memorial, the, magazine, founded, 1, 126, Babcock, Rufus. Baptist Missionary Magazine, founded, I, 150, Baldwin, T. Baptists, first, in the colonies. III, 563, Knollys : first church of, in America, VI, 118, Tillinghast, P. ; in Rhode Island, I, 395 ; IV, 192, Manning, James. Baptists, persecution of, in New Hampshire. V, 442, Scre- ven, W. ; first church of, in Charleston, 442 ; treatment of, in Massachusetts colony, IV, 474, Myles, J. ; 741, Pe- ters, H. ; II, 103 ; history of, 307, Edwards, M. : first seminary of, I, 584, Chase, I. ; II, 293, Eaton, I. ; VI, 531, Williams, Roger ; gifts to charities of, I, 670, Coburn, A. ; 683, Colby, G. ; II, 22, Crozer ; IV, 738, Perry, Eli ; 544, Nugent, G. ; pioneers among the, I, 766, Craig. L. ; VI, 337, Waller, J. ; in Virginia, IV, 226, Marshall, W. ; Campbellite schism, see Campbellites ; exclusion of open communionists, V, 573, Smith, J. H. ; missions of, I, 663, Clough, J. E. ; 299, Boardman, G. D. ; II, 115, Dean, W. ; HI, 469. Jones, J. T. : 483, Judson ; 538. Kin- caid, E. ; 565, Knowlton, M. J. : IV, 155, Macomber ; 240, Mason, F. ; 696. Peck, J. M. ; V, 169, Rand, S. T. ; 235, Rice, L. ; 518, Shuck ; 544-545, Skinnei; E. ; VI, 45, Taylor, J. ; 302, Vinton, J. H. ; II. 428, Feller ; famous debate on principles of, VI, 502, Wightman, V. ; old Albemarle church, 605, Woods, W. Baptists, German Seventh-Day, I, 223, Beissel. Baquedano, Gen., Ill, 735, Lira. Baraya, Gen., V, 396, Santander. Barat. Madame, II, 242, Duchesne. Barbadoes, results of abolition in, III, 212, Hincks, F. ; ad- ventures in, 711, Ligon. Barbary powers, the, defeat of, H. 121 ; difficulty with, V, 105, Preble, E. Barbauld, Anna Letitia. VI, 389, Watkinson. Barber, Catherine W., VI, 147, Towles. Barber, John, V, 614, Southwick. Barberigo, Agostino, I, 698. Barbizan, M., Ill, 320, Hunt, W. M. Barbosa, Francisco V., IV, 644, Paranagud. Barbour, Col. Thomas. I, 162, Barbour, J. Barboza, Mrs. M. H. G., II, 606, Garnet. Barca, Count of, I, 124, Azevedo, A. A. Barcelona, battle at, I, 304 ; capture of, 305 ; H, 542, Freites. Barclay, Anthony, VI, 505, Wilde, R. H. Barclay, Rev. H., I, 163, Barclay, T. Barclay, James, IV, 2!K), Menken. Barclay, Rev. J. T., Ill, 450, Johnson, S. B. Barclay, Rev. Thomas, III, 737, Lispenard. Barclay, Rev. Thomas, IV, 58, Lydius, J. Barclays, one of the, pen-name, IV, 608, Otis, E. H. Barculo, Seward, II, 114, Dean, G. Bard, Susan, IV, 709, Pendleton, N. Barentson, HI, 297. Barilli, Signora, IV, 674, Patti, C.