772 OVERBROOK PARKERS Overbrook, Pa., seminary at. VI, 595, Wood, J. F. Overland Monthly, the. III. 104, Harte, F. B. Overton, Edward, IV, 302, Mercur, U. Oviedo. Signor, I, 1R5, Bartlett, W. A. Owen, Hannah. I, 404. Owen. Prof. Richard, II, 241, Du Chaillu. Owenites, the, IV, 615, Owen, R. Owl, the, magazine, V, 65, Poole, W. F. Oxy-carbureted light, the, II, 255, Du Motay. Oxygen, discovery of, V, 120, Priestley ; centennial of, 121 ; discovery of, in the sun, II. 228, Draper, H. Ozone, connection of, with pneumonia, II, 228. Draper, D.; inventor of apparatus, VI, 619, Wright, A. W. Pachacamac. IV, 186. Manco Capac. Pachacutic, Inca. IV. 576, Ollantai. Pacific, steamer, loss of the, I, 691, Collins, E. K.; IV, 586, O'Reilly, B. Pacificator, the great, I, 641. Pacificator of the Occident, n, 676, Gonzalez, M. Pacific mail steamship company, the, I, 719, Cooke, H. D. ; II, 610, Garrison, C. K. Pacific navigation company, VI, 457, Wheelwright, W. Pacific ocean, discovery of the, I, 147, Balboa ; seen by Drake, II, 224, Drake, Sir F. Pacific railways, I, 241 ; route of, predicted, IV, 51, Lud- low, F.H.; proposed, 106, McDonell, Allan ; projects for, 147, McLeoa, M. ; first suggestion of. 654, Parker, S. ; bill for, V, 313, Rollins, J. S. Paciflcus, pen-name, II, 642, Giddings, J. R. ; HI, 58, 59 ; VI, 380. Packard, Rev. Asa. IV, 618, Packard, F. A. Packard, S. B., Ill, 138. Packard, Samuel, IV, 618, Packard, F. A. Packard's Monthly, IV, 620, Packard, S. S. Packet, the Pennsylvania. II. 258, Dunlap, John. Pack-saddle, invention of a, II, 13, Croghan, G. S. J. Pacolet river, engagement on the, IV, 109, McDowell, C. Pacte de famine, the, IV, 199. Marbois. Paddles, system of feathering, V, 544, Skene, A. M. Paddock, Henry, IV, 345, Mitchell, M. J. Paddock, Rev. Seth B.. IV, 621, Paddock, J. A. Padilla, Gen., executed, I, 307. Page. Abraham, III, 244. Holt, J. S. Page house, the, Virginia, illustration, IV, 624. Pagerie, Josephine de la, I, 209, Beauhamais, A. de. Paget, Lord, III, 108. Harvey, Sir J. Pah Ute Indians, attack by, HI, 604, Lander, F. W. Paige, Rev. Reed, IV, 627, Paige, L. R. Pailleterie, Marquis de la. H, 253, Dumas. Paine, Edward, IV, 627, Paine, B. Paine, Dr. Horatio, IV, 711, Penington, M. R. Paine, James Harvey, IV, 627, Paine, B. Paine, Robert Troup. IV, 628, Paine, M. Paine, Thomas, II, 431, Fenwick, B. J.; his death, in, 571, Kohlmann. Paine, Rev. Thomas, rv, 630, Paine, R. T. Paine, William, IV, 419, Morris, T. A. Painesville, Ohio, rv, 627, Paine, B. Paintings, American historical, HI, 699, Leutze. Paisley Magazine, the, 518, Kennedy, W. Paititi, the, I, 302, Bohorques, P. Pakanke, Chief. VI, 303, Virot. Palace, the white. I, 302, Bohorques, P. Palacios, Marquis de, I, 303, Bolivar. Palaklaklaha, battle of, VI, 616, Worth, W. J. Palan, Marquis de, HI, 654, Ledru, H. P. Palatines, the, in Ireland, IH, 155, Heck, B. ; settlements of in North Carolina, II, 700, Graffenried. Palaeontologist, the, HI, 398, James, J. F. Palaeontology, III, 41, Hall. J.; studies in, TV. 217, Marsh, D. ; 218, Marsh, O. C. ; 286, Meek, F. B. ; VI, 477, Wlut- eaves ; 482, Whitfield, R. P.; H, 567, Gabb. Palaeozoic rocks, the, IV. 7. Logan, Sir W. E. Palenque, fired, HI, 345, Infante, H. ; ruins at, V, 257. Rio. A. ; VI, 320, Waldeck ; ancient city on the site of, 308, Votdn. Palestine, exploration of, V, 284, Robinson, E.; IV, 65, Lynch, W. F. 307, Merrill. S. 629, Paine, J. A.; prepa- ration of, for the millennium, 330, Miller, W.; Hebrew colonies in, 572, Oliphant. Palfrey, Peter, IV, 634, Palfrey, Warwick. Palisada, capture of, I, 550, Case, A. L. Pallas, the, ni, 468. Palma, battle of, II, 320, Elias. Palmer. Courtland, II, 228, Draper, H. Palmer, Rev. Edward, IV. 637, Palmer, B. M. Palmer, Edward H., Ill, 683. Leland, C. G. Palmer, Henry, IV, 641. Palmer, W. H. Palmer, Katherine H., V, 142, Putnam, K. H. Palmer, Mary A., II, 228, Draper, H. Palmer, Robert M.. VI, 77, Thomas, M. L. P. Palmer, Judge S. N.. VI, 77, Thomas. M. L. P. Palmer, Dr. W. C, IV. 640, Palmer, P. Palmer, Mr., painter, I, 663, Clough, G. L. Palmer's island, I, 620. Palmetto, textile fabric from, IV, 19, Loomis, S. L. Palm-leaf fibre, in paper, II, 11, Crocker, A. Palo Alto, Cal., university at, V, 644, Stanford. Palo Hincado, battle at, II, 439. Ferrand. Pamlico sound, explored, I, 166, Barlow. A. Panama, Isthmus of, discovery of. I, 289, Balasco ; in pos- session of Gonzala Piazarro (1545), III, 214, Hinojosa ; Panama, city of, founded, H, 374, Espinosa, G. ; IV, 897, Pedrarias ; site of, V, 35, Pizarro : congress at, I, 307 ; riots in, 139, Bailey ; massacres, 751, Corwine ; capture and plunder of, U, 436, Fernandez de Castro ; 437, Pie- drahita ; capture of, by pirates. IV, 400, Morgan, Sir H. : mission, celebrated report on, VI, 56, Tazewell ; first steamship line to. Ill, 636, Law, G. first idea of a ship- canal across, I, 568, Champlain ; III. 697-698, Lesseps ; canal, V, 457, Selfridge ; I. 279 ; neutrality of, 103. Panama railroad, the, 112, Aspinwall; HI, 636, Law, G.', V, 666, Stephens, J. L. ; VI, 140, Totten, G. M. Pancarpata, peace of, V, 395, Santa Cruz, A. Pandrita, pirate brig, II, 760, Gregory, F. H. Panet, Monseigneur, II, 261, Dunn, T. Panharmonicum, invention of the, IV, 171, Maelzl. Panic of 1837, the, IH, 383. Panizzi, Sir Anthony, V, 676, Stevens, H. Panoplist, the, journal, IV, 424, Morse, J. Panorama of Life and Literature. Ill, 737, Littell, E. Panorama of the Mississippi, a, 1, 159, Banvard. Pansy books, the, I, 42, Alden, Isabella. Panther, the, vessel. III, 133, Hayes, 1. 1. Pantograph, the, V, 372, Saint Mhnin. Paoli, battle of, VI, 398, Wayne ; IV, 533, North, C; II, 762, Grey. Papal zouaves, the Canadian, n. 151, Desjardins. Paper, invention of boiler for manufacture of, VI, 548. Wil- son, G. F. ; machine for making, II, 659, Gilpin, T. ; mak- ing from wood, HI, 499, Keen, M. L. ; manufacture of, HI, 80, Hardina. Paper- bags, machine for making, VI, 590, Wolle, F. Paper-mill, first, in America, V, 262, Rittenhouse. Paper-money, III, 636, Law, John ; craze for, IV, 166 ; fa- mous case, VI, 119, Tillinghast. T. issue of. in Mass., I, 29 ; question of issuing of, in Penn. colony, H, 529 ; schemes in the colonies, 1, 22, Adams. S. ; HI, 332, Hutch- inson, T. redemption of, in Mass., 332. Pappegoya, Armagot, V, 126, Pi-intz, J. Pappenheim, Madame, IV, 496, Neuendorff. Papyrus club, the. II, 194, Dodge, N. S. Paradoxes of a Philistine, VI, 341, Walsh, W. S. Paraguay, attempt of Buenos Ayres to annex, I, 224, Bel- grano ; American claims against, 434 ; exploration of, 490, Cabeza ; III, 685, Leme ; II, 165, Diaz, Melgarejo ; settlement of, 202, Dorantes : III, 480. Justiniano ; con- quest of, H, 367, Escalera ; triple alliance against, 486, Flores, V. ; administration of Francia, 522 ; colonization of, 515, Foucher ; revolution in, 522, Francia ; reign of terror in, ibid. ; Indian colonies in, 676, Gonzalez de Santa Cruz ; colonization of, 591, Garay ; revolutions in, III, 354, Irala ; slave-hunting in, 403, Jaray ; war with Brazil, 352, Inhauma ; 714, Lima ; dictator in, improve- ments, IV, 20, Lopez ; war against allies, conspiracy in, executions, seizure of Americans, 21. Lopez, F. S.; at- tempted conquest of, 298, Mendoza, P. de ; suppression of slavery, V, 362, Saavedra, H. A. de ; factions in, 376, Salazar de Espinosa ; expedition to, 642, Staden ; sup- posed conspiracy of foreigners' in, VI, 372, Washburn, C. A. ; conquest of, 665, Zurilla. Paraguay river, tributaries of the, exploring expedition to, II, 114, Daza ; a54, Irala ; 591, Garcia, A. and D. ; 342, Igne Chivre. Paravicino. Tomas, H, 85, David, E. Pardee Hall, Lafayette college, view of, IV, 644. Pardon, the prerogative of, I, 286, Blake, E. Paredes, Luis, I, 517, Campeche. Parestrello, Felipa, I, 697. Pareus, David, VI, 353, Ward. N. Paris, American chapel in. Ill, 554, Kirk, E. N. ; VI, 589, Wolfe, C. L.; Count of, IV, 589, Orleans, L. A. P.: mania in, for speculation, III, 637, Law, John ; rule of the Com- mune in, VI, 371, Washburne, E. B.; siege of. 1, 464 ; wa- ter-supply of, 210, Beaumarchais ; treaty of, H, 531. 533. Paris island, S. C, H, 568, Gage, F. D. Park, Dr. James, III, 42, Hall, J. L. J. P. Park, Mungo, III, 751, Locke, R. A. Park, William, VI, 665, Zuniga. G. , Parke, John, II, 548, French, D. Parke, Lucy, I, 487. Byrd. Parker, Amos G., V, 578, Smith, J. E. Parker, Charles, IV, 652, Parker, Joel. Parker, Rev. Daniel, IV, 649, Parker, A. J. Parker, Edmund, H, 62, Damon, D. ; V, 7, Pierce, F. Parker, George T., IV, 652, Parker, P. J. M. Parker, James, III, 243, Holt. Parker, Capt. John. IV. 654, Parker, T. Parker, Joseph E., II, 668, Goddard, P. B. Parker, Mrs. Leroy, I, 573, Chandler, R. Parker, Rev. Nathan, IV, 687, Peabody. Parker, Rev. Robert, IV, 656, Parka; Tliomas. Parker, Samuel H., II, 183, Ditson, O. ; IV. 654, Parker, James C. D. Parker, Theodore, his grave, illustration, IV, 655. Parker, Judge W., IV, 653. Parker, S. Parker's Ferry, S. C, engagement at, IV, 209, Marion.