PARKMAN PENDLETON 773 Parkman, Dr. G.. murder of, VI, 416, Webster, J. W. Parks, designing of, IV, 578. Olmsted ; VI, 270, Vaux, C. Parley, Peter, books of, III, 528, Kettell ; pen-name, 680, Goodrich, S. G. Parley's peak and canon, discovered, V, 102, Pratt, P. P. Parmelee, Mary L., IV, 699, Peebles, M. L. Parnell, Charles S., V, 685, Stewart, C. Parola. Dr.. I, 325. Botta. Parr, Maud, III. 607. Lane, Sir R. Parr, Dr. Samuel, II, 596, Gardiner, J. S. J. Parras, Eulogio. II, 369, Escobedo. Parri, Sian, IV, 613, Owen, G. Parrish will case, the, II, 385, Evarts, W. M. Parrott cannon and projectiles, the, IV, 660, Parrott, R. P. Parry sound, IV, 661, Parry, Sir W. E. Parson, the. fighting, I, 415, Brownlow. Parson's cause, the, III, 173, Henry, P. Parsons college, Iowa, founded, IV, 664, Parsons, L. B. Parsons, Albert R., V. 632, Spies. Parsons, Eli, V, 488, Shays. Parsons, Rev. Moses, IV, 664, Parsons, T. Parthenon, the, periodical, VI, 608, Woodworth, S. Parties, political, VI, 233, 234 ; first, in the U. S., VI, 380. Partington, Mrs., V, 510, Shillaber. Partridge, Alden, I, 699, Colvocoresses. Pascagoula, bay of, expedition to, II. 413. Pascagoula river, the, discovered, III, 339, Iberville. Pasealis, Dr. Felix, I, 519. Canfield. Pasini, Albert, pupil of, VI, 87, Thompson, A. W. Pasqualigo, Lorenzo, I, 491, Cabot. Pasquin, Anthony, pen-name, III, 60 ; VI, 526, Williams, J. Passionists, first, in U. S., IV, 553, O'Connor, M. Pasterne, Signor. Ill, 295, Huden. Pasteur, Louis, IV, 444, Mott, V. Pastor Antimio, pen-name, IV, 552, Ochoa. Pastorate, the longest on record, I, 38, Ainsworth. Patagonia, boundary question of, II, 137, Delvalle ; III, 356, Irigoyen ; claims to, 338, Ibaiiez, Ibercourt ; colony in, II, 625, Gennes ; Spanish colony in, III, 344, Imecourt ; exploration of, IV, 540, None. Patagonians, the, VI, 338, Wallis, S. ; II, 374, Espeleta ; name given to, the giant story of, V, 17, Pigafetta. Patapsco, destruction of the, V, 146. Quackenbush. Patapsco institute, V, 174, Randolph, S. N. Patents, first petitioner for a, V, 199, Read, JV. ; law, foun- dation of the, 673 ; lawsuits, III, 79, Harding, G. ; appli- cations for, IV, 460, Munn ; in the colonies, III, 425, Patent-Office Gazette, the, III, 562, Knight, E. H. Paterson, Cornelia, VI, 252, Van Rensselaer, S. Pathfinder, loss of the balloon, VI, 581, Wise, J. Pathfinder, the, sobriquet, II, 546, Fremont. Pathfinder, the weekly, II, 671, Godwin. Patriarch of Dorchester, the, VI, 472, White, J. Patriarch of the N. E. clergy, the, IV, 539, Nott, S. Patriot war, the, I, 12, Adams, Charles ; II, 179, Dimick ; 254, Dumonchel ; 267, Duquet ; amnesty, 272, Durham, Earl of ; 520, Fox, H. S. ; bill for compensating loyalists, II, 319, Elgin ; pardon for insurgents, VI, 316, Wait, B. Patriot, pilot-boat, loss of the, I, 468, Burr, T. Patrocle, M. de T., II, 375, Espivent. Patron of Industry, the, IV, 24. Lord, E. Patten, W. H., V, 436, Scott, I. M. Patterson, Alexander. II, 534, Franklin, John. Patterson, Elizabeth, I, 310, Bonaparte. Patterson, John. IV, 672, Patterson, Joseph. Patterson, Gen. Robert, II. 739. Patti, Salvatore. IV, 674, Patti, C. Pattison, Rev. R. H., IV, 676, Pattison, R. E. Patton, Maj. James, V, 439, Scott, T. A. Patton, Prof. J. H., II. 500, Ford, E. L. Patton, Ludlow, III, 334, Hutchinson, Abby. Patzun, battle at, I, 535, Carrera, R. Paugus, Chief, IV, 37, Lovewell, J. Paul III., Pope, III, 183, Hernandez, V.; VI. 205, Uhland. Paul, John, III, 467, Jones, J. P. Paul, John, pen-name, VI. 402, Webb, C. H. Paul, Moses. IV, 552, Occum. Paulding, Miss., III. 363. Irving, William. Paulding, J. K., original of a character of, II, 277, Duval, W. P.; his home, illustration, IV, 680. Paulding, William. IV. 679, Paulding, J. K. Paulet. Lord G., Ill, 482. Judd, G. P. Paule-Vaudreuil, Count de, VI, 266, Vaudreuil, J. F. Paulist Fathers, the, III, 157, Hecker, I. T; 191, Hewit, N. A.; VI, 346. Walworth. C. A. Paulists. the (traders), III, 403, Jaray. Paullin, William, VI. 581, Wise, J. Paul Quinn college, I, 495, Cain. Paulus Hook, engagement at. III, 667, Lee, H. Pavement, the Russ, V, 351, Russ, H. P. Pavon and Ruiz, botanical work of, II. 196, Dombey. Pavon, battle of, VI. 218, Urquiza : IV, 350, Mitre. Pavy river, discovery of, IV, 683, Pavy. Pawnee, the, ship, II, 766, Griffiths, J. W. Pawnees, massacre by the, VI, 691, V Archeveque. Pawtucket, founder of. III, 425, Jenckes, J., 2d. Paxton Boys, the, I, 255. Biddle, C. ; V, 512, Shippen, E. Paxton, Philip, III, 66, Hammett. Payaguas Indians, the, I, 490, Cabeza ; II. 515. Foucher. Paybodv, Francis, IV, 688, Peabody, G. ; 689, Peabody, Joseph. Payne, Anna, II. 48, Cutt, R. Payne, Elisha. IV, 685, Payne, H. B. Payne, John, IV, 171, Madison, D. P. Payne, William, IV, 685, Payne, D. Paysandu, capture of, IV, 299, Menna. Payson, A. M., Ill, 595, Laighton. Payson, Louisa, III, 257, Hopkins, L. P. Payta, burning of, I, 560. Cavendish. Paytable, the, II, 336. Ellsworth, O. Payton, Catherine, HI, 470, Jones, Rebecca. P. D„ pen-name, III, 399, James, T. C. Pea Patch island, title to, V, 463, Sergeant. J. Pea Ridge, battle of, II, 37. Curtis.' S. R.; Ill, 50 ; IV, 98, McCulloch, B.; V, 119, Price, S.: 524. Peabody academy of science, III, 335, Hyatt ; IV, 422, Morse, E. S. ; 619, Packard, A. S. Peabody, Dr. Jacob, IV, 689, Peabody, N. Peabody, Mrs. Mark, pen-name, VI. 287, Victor, M. V. Peabody, Mary T., IV, 191, Mann. M. T. Peabody, Dr. Nathaniel, IV, 688, Peabody, E. P. Peabody, Judge Oliver, IV, 689, Peabody, O. W. B. Peabody, Polly, V, 182, Rantoul. Peabody, Sarah, V, 273, Roberts, S. Peace commission, II, 69, Dana, F. ; of the Revolution, 111,109. Peace conference of Feb. 3, 1865, I, 280. Blair, F. P. Peace congress, an American, proposed, I, 102 ; 150, Bald- win, R. S. ; 279. Peace convention, the, VI, 199. Peace jubilee, II, 658, Gilmore, P. S. Peace, let us have, II, 718. Peacemaker, the, I, 395. Peace, negotiations for, with Great Britain, I, 18. Peace, policy of Calhoun on, I, 501. Peace society, the, III. 585, Ladd, W. Peach Tree Creek, battle of, V, 504. Peacock, an automatic, II, 625, Gennes. Peacock, vessel, captures by (1813). VI, 368, Warrington ; I, 594, Chauncey, J. S.; destruction of, III, 640, Law- rence, J.; 11,351, Emmons, G. F.; cruise of, IV, 638, Palmer, J. C. Peale's Museum, IV, 690, Peale, C. W. Pearson, John, IV, 692, Pearson, Jonathan. Pearson, Judge J. S., Ill, 526, Kerr, J. Pearson, Judge R. M., II, &33, Ellis, J. W. Peat-formation, study of, III, 697, Lesquereux. Peck, Elizabeth. IV, 730, Perkins, T. H. Peck, Judge J. H.. IV, 112, McDuflie. Peck, John, IV, 696. Peck, W. D. Peck, Joseph. IV, 695, Peck, G. W. Peck, Paul, IV, 696. Peck, W. H. Peck, Philander, VI, 696, Peck, C. C. Peck, Prof. Tracy, V, 564, Smith, C. L. Peckham, James, IV, 69. Lyon, JV. Peckham vs. Burrows, case of, III, 425, Jenckes, T. A. Pecksnut, Chief, V, 643, Standish ; VI, 444, Weston. Peddie institute, gifts to, I, 689, Colgate. Pedestrianism, IV, 539, Norton, T. H. Pedraza, Gomez, IV, 473, Muzquiz ; V, 393, Santa-Anna. Pedro I. of Brazil, II, 5(57, Gabriac. Peebles, Augustus A., IV, 699, Peebles, M. L. Peebles's farm, engagement at, II. 715. Peeping Tom, pen-name. III. 528, Kettell. Peers, Maj. Valentine. IV, 699, Peers, B. O. Peirce, Abraham, IV, 703. Peirce, W. S. Peiret, Pastor, II. 55, Daille. Peirson, Oliver, IV, 703, Peirson. L. J. W. Peixotto, Rev. M. L. M., IV, 703, Peixotto, D. L. M. Peking Scientific Magazine, the, IV, 234, Martin, W. A. P. Pelados, the, I, 302, Bohorques, P. Pelegaud, Gen., VI, 280. Vermont. Pelew islands, discovery of. VI, 293, Villalobos. Pelham, Penelope, VI, 567, Winslow, J. Pelican, the, III, 339, Iberville. Pelleport, Marquis, book by, I, 379, Brissot. Pellew, Edward, II. 395, Exmouth. Pellico, Silvio, III. 162, Hempel. Pellock, Dr., IV, 379, Moore. E. M. Pelouze. Theophilus J.. V, 573, Smith, J. L. Pelton, Oliver, IV, 693, Pease, J. I. ; V, 423, Schoff. Pemaquid, IV, 171, Madockawando ; I, 554. Casiin. Pemaquids, the, V, 382, Samoset. Pemberton, James, IV, 705, Pemberton, E. Pemberton, Ralph, IV, 706, Pemberton, P. Pembina, boundary-line near. I, 92, Armstrong, M. K. Pembosta, Count of. IV, 497, Neuville. Pembroke, Earl of, VI, 687, Herbert. Pembroke, N. H., IV, 37, Lovewell, J. Pemmican, invention of, I, 321. Borden. G. Penacook, proprietorship of, VI, 330, Walker, Timothy. Penal legislation, works on, III, 710. Penalty envelope, use of the. III, 540, King, H. Pencader Hundred, Del., settlement of, IV, 395. Morgan, E. Pendleton, Alexander S., IV, 709, Pendleton, W. N. Pendleton, John S.. V. 418, Schenck. R. C. Pendleton, Nathaniel, H, 142, Dennison.