360 Cpfy of an Original Manufcrtyt fuelling the A DIATREE FOR DINNER. Thefrfte Caponn bo. Veale bo. Birdes bo. Rabbetts bo. Neatftonge Pidgeons bo. Beeffe ro. Vealc ro. Pigge ro. Minfed Pie Goofe ro. Courfe. Shoveler Bitter Hare ro. Gull ro. Cuflard Heron ro. Turkic ro. Caponn Rahbetts Fallodeare Thefeconde Courfe. Kidde ro. Godwite Phefant Knotts Chickine ba. Lapwine Pidgeons Quales Ghickins Pevetts Partreges Railes Petterell Growces Kennices Tarte Mewe, Reddeare. Dunlings A DIATREE FOR SUPPER. Thefirfle Mutton bo. Birds bo. Rabbetts bo. Pidgeons bo. Chickins bo. Lapwine bo. Capers Reddifli Olives Samper Mutton ro. Courfe. Veale ro. Shaveler Hare ro. Calves Feet ba. Bitter ro. Turkic Herone Cuftard Caponn Fallodeare Thefeconde Courfe* Rabbetts Godwite Phefant Knotts Pidgeons ba. Lapwine. Chickins ro. Quales Petterell Pevetts Pidgeons ro. Growces Kenneces Railes Partreges Tarte Mewe Reddeare Dunlinge October
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