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Order and Government of a Nobleman's House, &c.
October, 1605.
These be the provisions for this month, beginning the 1st of October.
Grosse provisions for this monthe.
Beeffe Baconn Kidde Hinde Mutton Porcke Hare Roe Veale Pigge Rabbetts Doe.
Thefe Foules bee nowe in seasone.
Turkie Herone Knotts Goosse Godwite Woodcoks Felfaire Quales Pidgeons
Pecoke Bitter Ruffes Mallard Pewets Snipes Thrushe Partreges Plover
Bustard Shoveler Raile Widgeon Gull Judcoke Blackbirds Phesant Culver
These Fishes bee nowe in seasone.
Linge Sturgeon Soles Conger Flounders Chevine Mades Roches
Pike Rochetts Creveces Oisters Habberdin Turbott Whitinges Breate
Dabes Barbell Dory Rudds Bream Goodions Crabbes CockellsCodde