Januarie, Febuarie.
Firste, in these monthes is the best fellinge of all woodes for houshoulde provision, as bevine, fagotte, billett, blockwoode, charcole, white and blacke, and likewise timber for durable buildinge, but if wood sailes bee made to gaine the barcke, then I houlde fellinge of such timber to bee best when the sappe putteth forth the buddes with some leaves in the topps of the trees; but hardlie looke ever for good timber to growe of such stovens so felled in that seasone.
In these monthes is the best makinge of both sortes of charcole as abovesaide, and for white charcole the lighteste gorwoode is best and metest for it, vidz. willowe, fallowe, maple, beech, birtch, ashe, aulder, and such like, which is to bee taken and clifted as the fletchers doe theire steeles; they make theire arrowes of about two or three fingers thicke, and a foote and a halfe longe, and soe to be well and throughlie dried upon a kilne, which donne maketh a verie hott fier and sweete without stuffinge smaoke or suffocatinge as the other charcole doth.
In these monthes is the best plowinge of lannde for pease, beanes, oates, and such like; and if one will have pease soone in the yeare followinge, such pease are to bee sowenne in the waine of the moone at St. Andro's tide before Christmas; and also for fallow-ing