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Page:Archaeologia Volume 13.djvu/452

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Copy of an Original Manuscript touching the

ing of lannde, for that so donne in this seasone all the sommer Erdars[1] are the easiler wonne.

In these monthes is the best clensinge of the groundes wherein such rubbidge doth growe as briers, brambell, blackthornne, and shrubbs of all sortes, which are to bee fagotted, and good fewell for bakinge and bruinge.

In these monthes it is good to fell all such woode for tinsell and stakes as is meete for hedginge, and to bee laide on the grounde whereafter it shoulde bee imployede.

In these monthes it is to bee notede that plowinge is not to bee used in raynie weather, neather when snowe is on the grounde, for then to plowe impoverisheth the yearth to much, and therefore the increase of such cropps followinge the worse.

March, Aprill.

Firste, in these monthes it is most fitt to clense all copps and grounds of all such sortes of woode as have bine felled therein, and that the said copps, springes, and groundes so felled, that winter bee well and stronnglie fenced, and so maintaynede and kepte that neather cattell nor horsse doe come in them, least with brusinge and beatinge downe the newe growene springe, it utterlie spoyle the groeth thereof, and this course is to bee continuede for five or fixe yeares at the leaste.

In these monthes is the best takinge up of coultes from the grasse to bee broken and managed for the saddell, which for feedinge and usige I referre to the gentleman of the horsse.

  1. Fallows.
