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Page:Archaeologia Volume 13.djvu/454

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Copy of an Original Manuscript touching the

bee thought meete, or otherways to the lordes use and profitt imployede.

In these monthes is good to sowe barly seede, and therefore it is to bee carefullie looked unto that the aerdars bee in good order, and all necessaries belonginge there unto, for there is not any croppe of cornne so tender and more costlie the winninge thereof then this.

In these monthes it is good to marke such cattell as eather bee of store or boughte, vidz. cattell, horsse, and sheepe by burnne or brannde to the lordes use.

In these monthes is all necessarie reparacõns for houses to bee looked into, for in these seasons the daies doe lengthen, and the weather drieth the best soe, as more woorke maye be donne nowe then before when the daies weare shorter, more wette, and uncertaine.

May, June.

Firste, in these monthes bee all cattell to bee sortede for theire sommer pasturinge, and speciallie at May day evirie sorte in kinde by themselves, vidz. draughte oxen by themselves, milch kine by themselves, wayninge calves by themselves, yearinges, tow yeares, three yeares, and foure yeares oulde, everie sorte by themselves, which beeinge devided in pasture fittinge for them, will make them larger and fairer cattell.

In these monthes if these stockes aforesaide doe not larglie performe for mayntenannce of the lordes houshoulde, but that there will bee wannte, then such wantes are to bee suppliede by the discretion of the stewarde of houshoulde, for nowe is the seasone for makinge all such provisions.
