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Page:Archaeologia Volume 13.djvu/455

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Order and Government of a Nobleman's House, &c.

In these monthes bee all sortes of horsses to bee bistowede, vidz, horsses and guildinges togeather, mares and foales by themselves, coltes by themselves, fommer hacknyes by themselves, draught horsses by themselves, and such severall pasture providede for all these sortes as the stewarde in his discretion shall thinke meete.

In these monthes bee yeowes and lambes to bee providede for eather of store or boughte, and to bee putt in grounde fittinge, so as they bee killed of, the yeowes may bee eather fedd to bee soulde, or putt in such pasture as other houldinge sheepe be in to continue.

In these monthes are sheepe in generall to bee well washede and putt to greene swarth untill theire woole be thorough drie for soilinge, and after fore or five daies, if the weather serve, they may bee shornne, which donne the woole is to bee well wounde and wayede, and the contentes of toddes taken, and then saflie laid up in some conveniente place, neather in lofte where it may take to much aire, for so there will bee loss to the seller by waight, neather in too lowe or danckish a place, for that will increase too much waight, and then the worse to bee soulde, soe as I houlde a meane betwixt these two extreames the best both for the buyer and seller.

In these monethes, allthoughe somethinge maye bee saide for houldinge sheepe, yet needeth not much, since the common fieldes and ordinarie walkes bee appointede for them in most places, save only sedde muttons for the house use. I houlde better pasture mere fittinge for them, and more profittable for the lordes use to bee expendede in houshoulde.

In these monthes beefore winter corn bee growne to high it is to bee well lookede and clensede from thistells, and all other weedes which hindereth the same to growe, and impareth the soile to yealde such crope as els it woulde, besides it is hardlie to bee wonne or well gott if thistells shoulde not bee cleane taken,
