Snuff-boxes, ancient, found in the Tower of London 395
Somerset, duke of 81
Standaxe 389
Steven, Thomas, prisoner in the Tower of London 81
Steward, office of a 315-317
or principal officers of a nobleman's houshold, instructions for during the several months of the year 373-383
Steward, learned office of 327
Stonehenge, account of the fall of some of the stones in 1797 103-106
Storcke, how dressed 384
Stores of bowes, crofs-bowes, arrowes, &cc. in the Tower of London, Woolwich, &c. Inventory of 397 400 Story, Dr. John, prifoner in the Tower of London 89; account of him 89 93 ; his cruelties to the proteftants 92, 93 Stump- crofs, at Frifby 214; near Cliverger, ibid. Stump croffes, what 214 Suffolk, John de la Pole, duke of 10, 18 Surveyor, office of a 318, 319 SufTex, Henry, earl of 94 Thomas, earl of, ibid. Tempeft, Henry 79 Tenos, coin of the ifland of 225 Terefian Nuns at Antwerp, Lier, and Hoog- ftraete 273 Thafus, coin of the ifland of 225 Tilney, Elizabeth 71 Throgmorton, Francis 78, 169 Tongres, convent of difcalced Cannes at 272 Tranfcribing, expences of before the inven- tion of printing 136 Trilithon, at Stonehenge, account of the fall of 104, 105 Troubadours, or Trouveres, Norman and Anglo-Norman 36, 230 Tumuli in Weftphalia 3 6 Turner, Robert 84 Turnfaile 389 Tyrrel, William, prifoner in the Tower of London 8 7 6 U Urns found in a barrow on Buxton common near Norwich 404 V Valladolid, College of Englifh Catholics at 260 Vane, Sir Ralph 8l Villiers, Sir William 276 Vizor, bronze 224, 225 W Waad, William, his remonftrative remon- ftrances when the alarms of the Spaniards approach ed 171 172 his paper concerning the defence of the kingdom againft invafions 173 184; account of his family 169: Wace, Robert, his Brutus 241 ; continuation of it by an anonymous Anglo-Norman poet 241 246 Wadington, William of, an Anglo-Norman poet, difTertatioa on his life and works 36 240 Warwick, Ambrofe Dudley, earl of, Queen Elizabeth's letter to him on the defence of Newliaven (Havre de Grace) 201 203 Richard Neville, earl of 10 Water, fymhol of, on Egyptian copper-plate, and Greek vafes 409 Watten, College of Englifli Jefuits at 263 Waw, John, prifoner in the Tower of Lon- non 8 1 Weapons, flint, difcovered at Hoxne in Suf- folk 204 Weeping crofs, at Stafford 216 Weftmoreland, Ralph, earl of 7 Wefton, Mr. his obfervations on Mr. Town- ley's antique bronze helmet 223226 Widvile, Sir Ricbard 13 Wilkins, Mr. his defcription of Melbourne church, in Derbyshire 290 308 William the Conqueror, (lory of his inquir- ing the future delVmies of his children 242 246 Willy mear,