Willymear, Thomas, prisoner in the Tower of London 89
Works published by the Society of Antiquaries 417 to the end.
Yeoman of the Buttry, office of 334
Ewrie, office of 331, 332
Garner, office of 337
Horse, office of 335
Larder, office of 336
Pantrie, office of 333, 334
Scullerie, office of 339
Seller, office of 332
Wardrobes, office of 334, 335
Yeoman, Baker, office of 338
Brewer, office of, ibid.
Porter, office of 337, 338
Usher of the Great Chamber, office of 332, 333
Usher of the Hall, office of 333
York, Cecily, duchess of, observations on the life of 719; her residence 14, 15; her death and burial 15
Richard Plantagenet, duke of 7
Page 62, 3d line from the bottom, after the word "Confinements" put a comma instead of a full stop.
Page 369, for "dte" 8th line from top, read "dates."
Page 372, for "sevral" 3d line from top, read "several."
T. Bensley, Printer, Bolt Court, Fleet Street, London.