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Page:Archives of dermatology, vol 6.djvu/424

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ceived some attention from Dr. J. Lewis Smith, in the form of a short and practical paper in the Archives of Dermatology ; while Dr. Bulkley* published an account of a case, under the name of "herpes gestationis," which he regarded as an undescribed variety of disease. A second case was subsequently reported by Dr. Bever- hout Thompson. f

The treatment of skin diseases by electricity was also at this time investigated by Dr. George M. Beard J; and by Dr. F. P. Kinni- cutt,§ the former observer reporting cases of chronic eczema* treated by central galvanization, and of naevi and malignant tumors treated by electrolysis. Dr. B. F. Dawsonj] also gave his views on the treat- ment of vascular naevi with the galvanic cautery. Reports of cases of herpes zoster treated by electricity were, moreover, recorded by Drs. Bulkleyf and F. W. Godon.**

Two articles by Dr. Bulkley, one entitled " the relations of the urine to diseases of the skin,"ff the other "the relations of the nervous system to diseases of the skin,"|| remain to be mentioned, the latter especially being an interesting and suggestive paper. The etiology of infantile eczema§§ and the treatment of eczema, |||| both by Dr. Taylor, and an essay on the management of eczema, by Dr. Bulkley, ^^ all practical contributions, must also be recorded.

The contributions of Dr. Piffard on "the compound micro- scope as an aid to the study of the skin and skin diseases in silu,^^^** " methods of physical investigation in dermatology, "fff "the rheumic diathesis in dermatology, ";|;|| and "the treatment of the scrofulides,"§§§ also call for mention. At about this time a- brilliant operation was performed by the late Dr. Maury, consisting of the exsection of the brachial plexus of nerves for the relief of painful neuroma cutis. ||||||

The anatomy and pathology of the skin received comparatively little attention, articles on "the supply of nerves to the skin," by S. Weir Mitchell ;^T[^ " the changes in the skin and its append- ages, following lesion of the nervous structures," by S. G. Web-

  • Amer. Jour, of Obst. and Dis. of Children, Feb. 1874.

f Arch, of Derm., Oct. 1875. j Ibid., Oct. 1874; aI>o, Amer. Jour, of Syph. and Derm., Jan. 1872; and Phila. Med. Times, Sept. 5, 1875. I Arch, of Derm., Oct. 1875. [[Amer. Jour. Obst. and Dis. of Children, Mav, 1874.

Arch, of Derm., Oct. 1874. ** N. Y. Med. Rec, May 27, 1876. 

tf Arch, of Derm., Oct. 1875. 'XX Arch, of Elect, and Neurol., Nov. 1874, and May, 1875. 1^ Amer. Pract., June, 1875. nil Amer. Clin. Lect., vol. ii. No. 2, 1876. ^•Jl Trans. Amer. Med. Assoc, 1874.

      • Arch, of Derm., Jan. 1875.

fff Fhila. Med. Times, March 29, 1875. XXX Trans. N. Y. Acad, of Med., 1875. Ill I'nactitioner, Dec. 1875. Ilill' Amer. Jour, of the Med. Sci., July, 1874. ITf Phila. Med. Times, No. 126, 1874.