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Page:Archives of dermatology, vol 6.djvu/425

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ber ;* "the histology of scrofulides," by Dr. Piffard ;f "the pathology of lupus vulgaris,"| and "angioma with sarcomatous degeneration, "§ both by the writer, constituting perhaps the most important contributions.

Syphilis now began to receive more attention than before, first in the form of the excellent "practical treatise on the surgical dis- eases of the genito-urinary organs, including syphilis," by Drs. Van Buren and Keyes;|| and secondly, in the way of translations and compilations, Sigmund's treatment of venereal diseases by Dr. Henry, ^ and Langston Parker's treatment of syphilitic diseases by the mercurial bath, compiled by Dr. J. W. Foye,** being deserving of notice. The subject of syphilitic infection was considered by several careful observers, the articles of Dr. F. N. Otisff and J. N. HydeJI demanding special mention. The " pathology of early syphilis," by Dr. W. A. Hardaway;§§ "on the present state of the question of the unity or duality oi syphilis," by Dr. Bumstead ;1|1| the "etiology of congenital syphilis, histologically considered," by Dr. I. E. Atkinson ;^^ "the question of the relation between rachitis and syphilis,"*** and the "syphilitic lesions of the osseous system in infants and young children, "fff both by Dr. R. W. Taylor, are all to be referred to as studied contributions. The last named article of Dr. Taylor was an exhaustive monograph, embodying both clinical observation and pathological research. Another paper on " the use of mercury in the late stages of syph- ilis," being a plea for mercury and for mixed treatment, by Dr. F. R. Sturgis,|;};| is also worthy of remark. The oleate of mercury in syphilis was highly recommended by Dr. Sturgis in this article, and also in another communication by Dr. J. D. W. Roberts.§§§

Reference may also be made to papers on the "differential diag- nosis between psoriasis and syphiloderma squamosum, "|||||| "so- called psoriasis syphilitica, "^^^ and the " papulo-squamous syph- iloderm,"**** all by the writer. Finally, concerning this disease, the statistical contributions of Dr. Sturgisf f f f on the effect of syph-

  • Bost, Med. and' Surg. Jour., Dec. 17, 1874.

fN. Y. Med. Jour., 1875. j Phila. Path. Soc. Reports, vol. v., 1874-75. I Ibid. II New York, 1874.

Amer Jour, of Syph. and Derm., April, 1872. ** Boston, 1874. 

ft N. Y. Med. Jour., 1872 ; also Amer. Jour, of Syph. and Derm., July, 1871. X Amer. Jour, of the Med. Sci., Jan. 1874. 1^ Missouri Clin. Record, Sept. 1874. nil Amer. Jour, of the Med. Sci., April, 1873. If1[ N.Y.Med. Jour., 1875.

      • Amer. Pract., Feb. 1875.

ttt Amer. Jour. Obst., etc., 1874. XXX Amer. Jour, of the Med. Sci., Jan. 1875. 11^ Cincinnati Lancet and Obs., May, 1875. Illfll Phila. Med. Times, 1873-74.

Ibid., 1873-74. **** Ibid., 1873-74. 

tttt N. Y. Med. Rec, Feb. 1874.