Page:Arthur Stringer - Gun Runner.djvu/152

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nection with it. Then why not assume that a despatch has come in, one, for instance, stating that De Brigard and Ulloa have met, that this revolution about which you understand so little has actually begun? You have no suspicion as to who these men really are. It will only be natural for you to make inquiries. You might even be sending for further particulars. That would keep him in suspense: that would hold him there and give me the time I need!"

"But if he insisted on not waiting?"

She stood for a moment or two in deep thought.

"Then you would have to warn me."

"But how?"

Again she stood gazing at him with meditative eyes.

"Why not by the sound of your spark? You could start to send quickly. I could hear it quite plainly through the open port-hole."

"But even in that, again, is a risk. I might be sending to hold Ganley, and not to warn you."

They stood in thought for still another moment or two. McKinnon was not altogether unconscious of her presence, so companionably close to him. Until that day he had faced the isolation of the man who plans and fights alone. There was something vaguely consoling in the