Page:Arthur Stringer - Gun Runner.djvu/153

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thought of comradeship so unlocked for and yet so sustaining.

"Wait," he said, as a sudden thought came to him. "I might send one word, a simple word like 'Go'. You could easily recognize it, then, as a warning. That would be simple enough, if you could only remember the Morse."

"Would it be hard?"

He tapped out the dots and dashes with his finger-tip on the rod of brass from which the berth-curtains hung. She listened closely as he repeated them. Then she stooped and reproduced the signal with her own finger-tip on the wooden edge of her narrow berth. The light and alertness of her inquiring eyes as she looked up into his sent a quick and inapposite thrill of appreciation through McKinnon.

"That will be the danger-signal," she agreed. "When I hear it I'll understand."

But McKinnon was held back by a sudden disturbing thought.

"Suppose Ganley himself is able to read the Morse?"

"But don't you see that is impossible! He's shown that already. He never would have come to you as he did when the Laminian was leaving New York if he had been able to stand on the deck and read your spark at the masthead, or if he had caught the sound from your cabin as