Page:As others saw Him.djvu/228

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favor of the distinction, and I have used both indiscriminately. In the notes, however, which are now added, I give the number of Resch's Logia, adding a capital A. for the Apocrypha.

A word more as to the sources. I have adopted the ordinary view of the three visits of Jesus to Jerusalem during his ministry. This is of course based upon statements in the Johannine Gospel which most of the newer theologians regard as entirely apocryphal. I do not think it at all improbable that though the majority of the speeches placed in Jesus' mouth by the fourth evangelist are obviously concocted ad hoc, the writer may still have had access to some additional traditions which formed the excuse for his writing and the pegs on which to present his views, indeed in the same way as I myself have attempted to do in the present work.