Of the principal modern references to the inscriptions.
N.B.—0ld and obsolete references omitted; for full list to 1902 see R. Otto Franke, Pāli und Sanskrit (Strassburg, 1902).
A. General.
Cunnigham, Sir A., Inscriptions of Asoka (Caleutta, 1877), chiefly useful now for topographical details: Senart, Émile, Les 1nscriptions de Piyadasi (Paris, 1881, 1888); still indispensable, although based upon faulty texts: V. A. Smith, Early History of India, 3rd ed., 1914; and 'Asoka Notes' (12) in Ind. Ant, 1903, 1905, 1908, 1909, 1910, 1918: F. W. Thomas, 'Notes on the Edicts of Asoka.' in J. R. A. S., 1914, 1915, 1919. Publication of the revised official edition of the inscriptions by Prof. E. Hultzch has been suspended and indefinitely delayed by the war.
B. Minor Rock Edicts.
(1) The three Siddâpura. (Mysore) texts. Bühler, Ep. Ind., iii, pp. 135-42, with facs., transcript, and ed.: Rice, Facs. and transcripts of all three in Ep. Carnatica (Bangalore, 1909), vol. xi; and facs. of Brahmagiri text only in Mysore and Coorg from the Inscriptions (London, 1909).
(2) The three northern texts, Rûpnâth, Sahasrâm, Bairât. Revised facs. and ed. by Bühler, Ind. Ant, vol. xxii (1893), pp. 299-306: Senart and Grierson, transcripts and discussion, Ind. Ant., vol. xx (1891), p. 154: D. R. Bhandarkar, Ind. Ant., vol. xli (1912), p. 170: numerous papers by Fleet, Hultzch, and F. W. Thomas in J. R. A. S., 1903, 1904, 1908. 1909, 1910, 1911, 1912, 1913, 1916: Thomas, J. As.,Mai—Jnin, 1910: S. Lévi, ibid., Jan.—Fév., 1911. The discussion is connected on some points with that of the Minor P. E.
(3) Maski text. Ed. with plates by Yazdani in Hyderabad Archaeol. Series, No. I, Calcutta, I915 : commented on by Rice, J. R. A. S., 1916, p. 838.