C. The Bhâibrû (Bhâbrâ) Edict.
Burgess, Facs. in J. As., 1887: Senart and Grierson, Revised ed. and version, Ind. Ant., vol. xx (189m), p. 165: various authors—5 notes in J. R.A. S., 1901: S. Lévi, 'Note-s,' J. As., Mai—Juin, 1896: Hultzch, J.R.A.S., 1909, p. 727; 1911, pp. 1113-17: B. M. Barna, ibid., 1915, p. 805: Prof. Dharmananda Kosambi and Lanman, Ind. Ant., vol. xli (1912), p. 37: Sailendranath Mitra, ibid., vol. xlviii (1919), p. 8.
D. The Fourteen Rock Edicts.
The standard edition is that by Bühler in Ep. Ind., ii, pp. 447-72, with facs. of Girnâr and Kâlsî texts; transcripts of Girnâr, Kâlsî, Shâhbâzgarhi, and Mansahra. texts, and version of Shâhbâzgarhi. Facs. of Sh. text by same, ibid., i. 16. Dhauli and Jugaḍa texts, ed. and transcribed by same, with facs. in Burgess, Amarâvatî (A. S. S. I., 1887). Another facs. of Girnâr text, collotype, in Burgess, Kâthiawâd and Kachh (A. S. W. I., 1876), with obsolete version.
Many special points are discussed in various papers, including: R. E. I. Ind. Ant., vol. xlii (1913), pp. 253-8; and vol. xlvii, 1918, pp. 221-3; J. R. A. S., 1914, p. 393. R.E. II. Ind. Ant., vol. xlvii (1918); p. 48. R. E. III. J. B. O. Res. Soc., iv, 37. R.E. IV. .112. A. S.. 1911, p. 485 note; Ind. Ant., vol. xliv (1915), p. 208. R. E. V. J. B. 0. Res. Soc., iv, 144-6. R.E. VI. Ind. Ant., vol. xlvii (1918), p. 51. R.E. VIII. Ind. Ant., vol. xlii (1913), p. 159; Rhys Davies, Dialogues, 1st ser., p. 190. R. E. IX. J. R. A. S., 1913, p. 654. R. E. XIII. J. R. A. S., 1913, p. 655. Many of the papers under other-headings touch on the Fourteen R. E. An important essay is that by R. O. Franke, 'Zu Asoka's Felseu-Edicten' in Nachr. der Königl Gcsellsch. d. Wissenschaften zu Göttingen, 1895.
The disquisitions by Dr. Michleson in J. A. 0. 8., 1911; Amer. J. of Philology, 1909, 1910; and Indo-Germ. Forschungen, 1910, 1911, while mainly concerned with questions of phonetics, throw light occasionally upon the interpretation of both R. E. and P. E.