Page:At the Fall of Port Arthur.djvu/117

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ever. But there were signs that it would not last much longer, and by nine o'clock the sun was struggling to come through the clouds. Nearly everybody was on deck, for they realized that a fatal moment might be at hand.

"There she is!"

The cry came from half a dozen throats simultaneously. There, on the port bow, loomed up the stranger, not an eighth of a mile away. That she was a warship there was no longer any doubt, for her forward guns were plainly to be seen.

"We're caught now!" muttered Tom Grandon.

"Not yet!" cried the captain, and gave orders to throw the Columbia over on a new course. But scarcely had this movement been made when there was a puff of smoke from the warship, a report, and a shot flew in front of the schooner's bow.

"There's our order to lay-to!" ejaculated Larry. "Whoever she is, she means business."

As the Columbia did not stop, another shot was fired, this time just grazing the bow. Seeing there was no help for it, Captain Ponsberry gave the necessary orders, and down came one sail after another.

As this was done the warship swung around and then those on the schooner saw that she flew the flag of Russia.