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Index:At the Fall of Port Arthur.djvu

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Title At the Fall of Port Arthur
Author Edward Stratemeyer
Year 1905
Publisher Lothrop, Lee & Shepard Co.
Location Boston
Source djvu
Progress Done—All pages of the work proper are validated
Transclusion Fully transcluded
Validated in January 2023


I. Larry and His Friends 1
II. A Storm On The Pacific 10
III. Larry Learns Something 20
IV. The Russian Sailor's Plot 29
V. Signs of a Mutiny 38
VI. The Fight for the Ship 47
VII. The Mutineers in Possession 56
VIII. Turning the Tables 66
IX. Close to a Waterspout 76
X. Something about War and Fighting Ships 86
XI. An Order to Lay-to 95
XII. Taken as a Prize of War 103
XIII. Prisoners on the Pocastra 113
XIV. Progress of the War 122
XV. A Sharp Naval Battle 132
XVI. Aboard a Japanese Warship 140
XVII. The Retaking of the Columbia 148
XVIII. A Clever Ruse 156
XIX. The Disappearance of the Enemy 164
XX. Larry Before Admiral Togo 171
XXI. Letters of Interest 180
XXII. A Meeting and a Plot 189
XXIII. The Attack in the Dark 198
XXIV. The Defense of the Powder Train 206
XXV. Bombarding a Port Arthur Fort 215
XXVI. Ben meets Captain Barusky 223
XXVII. A Fierce Battle at Sea 232
XXVIII. The Siege of Port Arthur 240
XXIX. From One Difficulty to Another 248
XXX. A Suprise for Larry 258
XXXI. A Call to Repel Boarders 266
XXXII. Fall of Port Arthur—Conclusion 274