Page:At the Fall of Port Arthur.djvu/191

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as such had become fairly well acquainted with Walter Russell and had also heard of Larry, who was at that time serving under Admiral Dewey at Manila.

A detail from Admiral Togo's flagship had been sent ashore at Nagasaki, and Larry and Luke, as they walked through the streets, had met several of these men. Hearing two of them speaking English they had halted the pair; and introductions had followed.

"So you are Larry Russell," said Steve Colton. "Any relation to Walter Russell that once served on the U. S. Cruiser Brooklyn?"

"Walter is my brother," replied Larry, quickly.

"Oh, so you are the chap that was cast away in the Pacific and picked up by Admiral Dewey's flagship, eh?"

"The same, and this is the friend who was with me, Luke Striker."

"Glad to know ye both." Steve Colton shook hands. "This is my friend, Bob Stanford—he hails from San Francisco and is a gunner's mate with me. What are you doing in this corner of the earth?"

A long talk followed, in which Larry and Luke told their story, and Steve Colton and his friend related how they had come to join the Japanese navy.