Page:At the Fall of Port Arthur.djvu/196

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"See, he is pointing to us!" whispered Luke. "Hang me if I don't think he is talking about us to the captain!"

"An officer is coming," replied Larry, and a moment later one of the admiral's staff came hurrying to them.

"Are you the two Americans who served under Admiral Dewey at Manila?" questioned the staff officer.

"We are," answered Larry.

"Admiral Togo wishes you to come to him."

"Oh, Luke, we are going to be presented to the admiral!" cried Larry.

"Great pewter!" groaned the Yankee tar. "I didn't expect this nohow. But I don't care," he added, bracing up. "He ain't no bigger nor Dewey. Come along."

He followed the staff officer and Larry did the same. They felt that the eyes of many of the sailors and marines were on them, and stepped out as firmly as possible. Coming up to the admiral, they took off their caps and saluted.

Admiral Togo surveyed the two Americans with interest. He had heard how they had come to serve under Dewey at Manila and he smiled pleasantly as he held out his hand, first to Larry and then to Luke.