Page:At the Fall of Port Arthur.djvu/235

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all but sunk. Another ship belonging to Admiral Togo's fleet struck a mine outside of Port Arthur and had to be sent back to Japan for repairs.

So far the weather had been warm, but autumn was now at hand and before long the nights became cold and raw.

"This war won't be finished this winter," said more than one. "We are in for another year of it, sure."

The Shohirika had been summoned to join the fleet patrolling before Port Arthur. Two days before that station was reached they fell in with a sister ship which brought the news of an encounter with a Russian battleship carrying some troops from Siberia. Both warships had suffered and become separated in the darkness.

"This war is certainly warming up," said Larry. "I hope we see some fighting before it is over."

"Maybe we'll see more of it than you wish," said Luke, grimly.

"Don't you worry—we'll see a whole lot," put in Steve Colton, who was sitting on a ditty chest, playing checkers with Bob Stanford. "Just wait till we get under Admiral Togo's eye—he'll make us be up and doing."

The chance to see some of the war came the next