Page:At the Fall of Port Arthur.djvu/245

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shan't be a prisoner long," replied Ben, resolved to put on as bold a front as possible.

"And why not?" demanded Captain Barusky, curiously.

"Because our army and our navy are bound to capture the place."

"Bah! The Japanese will never take Port Arthur. It is absurd to think of it."

"It may not come right away—but it will come sooner or later."

"Never! But if it should, you will not be there to enjoy our downfall. Remember that spies are tried, and if found guilty they are taken out and shot."

"You cannot prove that I am a spy."

"That remains to be seen."

"If you bring me before the court I'll have something to say about your underhanded work with Ivan Snokoff. I can prove that he is a swindler and that you are his accomplice."

"Ha! you threaten me!" roared Captain Barusky, in a rage. "Have a care! I come from a most respectable family and I have great influence."

"Nevertheless, I think those who are higher in authority than yourself will listen to my story. The Russian army officers are as a rule gentlemen and strictly honest."