Page:At the Fall of Port Arthur.djvu/298

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prisoners, and Larry got back a portion of the money stolen from Captain Ponsberry and himself. It was learned that the big brig had been destroyed by the Japanese shell fire, so that Ivan Snokoff lost every thing he placed in the venture.

"Well, it served him right," said Gilbert, when he heard of this. "He is responsible for the time Ben spent in prison."

What had become of Captain Barusky was at first a mystery. But at last it was learned that he had sneaked aboard of a transport filled with wounded soldiers and bound for Chefoo. He pre tended to be wounded himself, and was given medical attention until the trick was discovered, when he was treated as a coward. As soon as Chefoo was reached he disappeared, and that was the last seen or heard of him for some time.

"We are well rid of that fellow," said Ben. "I hope the Russians read him out of their army. He isn't fit to hold a commission."

"What do you imagine will be the next move in this war? " questioned Gilbert.

"It is hard to tell. I think they will try to take Mukden, for one thing."

"Russia is going to send out more warships," put in Larry. "If they come this way, it may mean more fighting for me."