Page:At the Fall of Port Arthur.djvu/56

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"I've found out something important, Captain Ponsberry," said Larry, as he entered the cabin. "I now know what's the matter with the grub." To all salt-water sailors food is grub and nothing else.

"Well, what is the matter with it?" questioned the master of the Columbia, quickly.

"It's being doctored, that's what's the matter."


"Yes, sir,—doctored by Semmel, too."

"Will you explain what you mean, Larry?" demanded the captain, intensely interested.

"I just saw that rascal go into the cook's galley. Jeff wasn't there, and Semmel took the lid off of a big pot on the stove and sprinkled something inside."

"What!" Captain Ponsberry leaped to his feet. "Are you certain of this?" he demanded.

"I am for I saw it with my own eyes."

"What was that stuff he put into the pot?"