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THE DUKE OF ARGYLL ON LAND-TENURE IN SCOTLAND. Popular Edition, with Index and IHuatrations, demy Sro, Is. 6d. SCOTLAND AS IT WAS AND AS IT IS. By THE DUKE OF ARGYLL. " It pi'esents a series of strikingly picturesque sketuiies of the wild society and rude manners of the olden time." — Times. " Infinitely superior as regards the Highland Land Question to any statement yet made by the other side." — Scotsman. " Well worthy of careful study." — Satnnhuj Review. THE DUKE OF ARGYLL ON THE IRISH QUESTION. 1 vol., crown 8vo, .3s. &d. THE NEW BRITISH CONSTITUTION AND ITS MASTER BUILDERS. By THE DUKE OF ARGYLL. " Unquestionably a most able and eloquent polemic." — Literary World. "Considering how thoroughly the question has been threshed out, and how freely the Duke of Argyll has already contributed to its discussion, the freshness and fervour of this treatise upon its constitutional aspects are remarkable." Scotsman. EDINBURGH: DAVID DOUGLAS.