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15 a Castle Street, Edinburgh, January 1889. LIST OF BOOKS PUBLISHED BY DAVID DOUGLAS. View of the Political State of Scotland in the last Century. A Confidential Report on the Political Opinions, Family Connections, or Personal Circumstances, of the 2062 County Voters in 17SS. Edited, with an introductory account of the Law relating to County Elections, by Sir Charles Elphinstone Adam of Blair- Adam, Bart., Bairister-at-Law. Crown 8vo, 5s. On the Philosophy of Kant. By Robert Adamsox, M.A., Professor of Logic and Mental Philosophy, Owens College ; formerly Examiner in Philosophy in the University of Edinburgh. Ex. fcap. Svo, 6s. The New Amphion ; Being the Book of the Edinburgh University Union Fancy Fair, in which are contained sundry Artistick, Instruc- tive and Diverting Matters, all nov) made publick /or the first time. 12mo, Illus- trated, 5s. ; Large-Paper Edition, 21s. (only 100 Copies printed). "An especially dainty little morsel for the lovers of choice books." — Academy. "There is no need to say that the book is valuable. It will be eagerly and widely sought for. . . . The external appointments are such as would charm the most fastidious hihliomanisiC."— Scotsman. Stories by Thomas Bailey Aldrich. The Queen of Sheba. Is., or in cloth, gilt top, 2s. Maejorie Daw, and other Stories. Is., or in cloth, gilt top, 2s. Prudence Palfrey. Is., or in cloth, gilt top, 2s. The Stillwater Tragedy. 2 vols. 2s. , or in cloth, gilt top, 4s. " Mr. Aldrich is, perhaps, entitled to stand at the head of American humourists." AtJiSTlCS'UTiV. " Marjorie Daw is a clever piece of literary yrox^."— Saturday Review. Johnny Gibb of Gushetneuk in the Parish of Pyketillim, with Glimpses of Politics about a.d. 1S43. By Willl-^m Alexander, LL.D. Ninth Edition, with Glossary, Ex. fcap. Svo, 2s. Seventh Edition, with Twenty Lithographic Illustrations — Portraits and Land- scapes—by George Reid, R.S.A. Demy Svo, 12s. 6d. "A most vigorous and truthful delineation of local character, drawn from a portion of the country where that character is peculiarly worthy of careful study and record."— 77ie lUnld lion. 11'. E. Gladslone. Life among my Ain Folk. By William Alexander, LL.D., Author of "Johnny Gibb of Gushetneuk." Ex. fcap. Svo. Second Edition. Cloth, 2s. 6d. Paper, 2s. Notes and Sketches of Northern Rural Life in the Eighteenth Century, liy William Alexander, LL.D., the Author of "Johnny Gibb of Gushetneuk." E.x. fcap. Svo, Is. Cloth, is. Od.