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LIST OF BOOKS A Manual of Chemical Analysis. By Professor William Dittmar. Ex. fcap. 8vo, 5s. Tables forming an Appendix to ditto. Demy Svo, 3s. 6cl. A Chat in the Saddle ; or Patroclus and Penelope. By Theo. a. Dodge, Lieut.-Oolnuel, United States Army. Illustrated by 14 Instantaneous Photographs. D^niy Svo, lialf-leather binding, 21s. The Fireside Tragedy, etc. By Sir Geokge Douglas, Bart. Fcap. Svo, 5s. Veterinary Medicines ; their Actions and Uses. By Finlav Dun. Seventh Edition, revised and enlarged. Demy Svo. [In the Press. Social Life in Former Days ; Chiefly in the Province of Moray. Illustrated by Letters and Family Papers. By E. DuNBAE, Dunbar, late Captain 21st Fusiliers. 2 vols. Demy Svo, 19s. 6d. The G-raysons : A Story of Illinois. By Edward Eggleston. Crown Svo, (5s. Letters of Thomas Erskine of Linlathen. Edited by William Hanna, D.D., Author of the " Memoirs of Dr. Chalmers," etc. Fourth Edition. Crown Svo, Vs. bd. The Unconditional Freeness of the Gospel. By Thomas Erskine of Linlathen. New Edition, revised. Crown Svo, 3s. 6d. By the same Author. The Brazen Serpent : Or, Life coming through Death. Third Edition. Crown Svo, 5s. The Internal Evidence of Revealed Religion. Crown Svo, os. The Spiritual Order, And other Papers selected from the MSS. of the late Thomas Erskine of Linlathen. Third Edition. Crown Svo, 5s. The Doctrine of Election, And its Connection with the General Tenor of Christianity, illustrated especially from the Ejiistle to the Romans. Second Edition. Crown Svo, 6s. The Fatherhood of God Revealed in Christ, the Comfort and Hope of Man. A Lesson from "The Letters" of Thomas Erskine, of Lin- lathen. Fcap. Svo, Is. Three Visits to America. By Emily Faithfull. Demy Svo, Os. Ogham Inscriptions in Ireland, "Wales, and Scotland. By the late Sir Samuel Fergu.son, President of the Royal Irish Academy, Deputy Keeper of the Public Records of Ireland, LL.D., Queen's Counsel, etc. (Being the Rhind Lectures in Archaeology for 1SS4.) 1 vol. demy Svo, 12s. Twelve Sketches of Scenery and Antiquities on the Line of the (,re;it Xi.rth of Scotland Railway. By George Reid, R.S.A. With Illustrative Letterpress by W. Ferguson of Kinnmudy. 4to, I5s. Guide to the Great North of Scotland Railway. By W. Ferguson of Kinnuindy. Crown Svo; in paper cover, Is.; cloth cover, Is. ed. Robert Ferguson "The Plotter," or, The Secret of the Rye House Conspiracy and the Story of a Strange Career. By James Ferguson, Advocate. A Biography of one of the strangest figures of English Politics in the period between the Restoration and the Accession of the House of Hanover. Demy Svo, 15s.