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PUBLISHED BY DAVID DOUGLAS. The Laird of Lag ; A Life-Sketch of Sir Robert Grierson. By Alex. Ferousson, Lieut. -diloiiel, Author of "Mrs. Caklerwood's Journey." Deray Svo, with Illustrations, 12s. Major Eraser's Maniiscript— his Adventures in Scotland and England: His Jlission to and Travels in France : His Services iu the rebel- lion (and his Quarrels) with Simon Fraser, Lord Lovat. ,1606-1737. Edited by Alex. Ferousson, Lieut.-Colonel. 2 vols. fcap. Svo. Autobiography of Mrs. Fletcher (of Edinburgh), with Letters and other Family Memorials. Edited by her Daughter. I'liird Edition. Crown Svn, 7s. 6d. L'Histoire de Prance. Par M. Fleurv. Xew Edition, corrected to 18S3. ISmo, cloth, 2s. fid. The Deepening of the Spiritual Life. By A. P. FuKBEs, U.C.L. , Bi.shoi) of Brechin. Seventh Edition. Paper, Is. ; cloth, Is. Od. Calf, red edges, 3s. 6d. Kalendars of Scottish Saints, With Personal Notices of those of Alba, etc. By Alexander Penkose Forbes, D.C.L., Bishop of Brechin. 4to, price £3, 3s. A few coiiies for sale on large l>aper, £5, 15s. fid. " A truly valuable eontributinn to the arch;cology of Scotland."— '.'unnJitoi. Missale Drunimondiense. The Ancient Irish Missal in the possession of the Baroness Willoughby d'Eresby. Edited liy the Rev. G. H. Forbes. Half-Morocco, Demy Svo, 12s. Forestry and Forest Products. Prize Essays of the Edinburgh International Forestry Exhibition 1SS4. Edited by John K.^ttk.^y M.A., B.Sc, and Hugh Robert Mill, D.Sc. Demy Svo, Illustrated, Vs. Fragments of Truth : Being the E.xjiosition of several Passages of Scripture. Third Edition. Ex. fcap. Svo, 5s. Studies in English History. By James Gairdner and Ja.mes Speddino. Demy Svo, 12s. Contents. — The Lollards— Sir John Falstaff — Katherine of Arragon's First and Second Marriages— Case of Sir Thomas Overbury — Divine Right of Kings— Sunday, Ancient and Modern. Industrial Exhibitions and Modern Progress. By Patrick Geddes. Fcap. Svo, Is. Gifts for Men. By X. H. Crown Svo, fis. " There is hardly a living theologian who might not be proud to claim many of her thoughts as las own." — Glasguw Herald. Sketches, Literary and Theological : Being Selections from tlie unpublished MSS. of the Rev. George Gilfillan. Edited liy Frank Henderson, Esq., M.P. Demy Svo, 7s. fid. The Roof of the World : Being the Narrative of a Journey over the High Plateau of Tibet to the Russian Frontier, and the Oxus Sources on Pamir. By Brigadier-General T. E. Gordon, C.S.I. With numerous Illustrations. Royal Svo, 31s. Od. Ladies' Old-Fashioned Shoes. By T. Watson Greig, of Glencarse. Folio, illustrated by 11 Chromolithographs. 31s. fid. Mingo, and other Sketches in Black and "White. By Joel Chandler Harris {Uncle Remus). Is. ; and in cloth, 2s. a2